Chapter 18

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   We put on the Conjuring, order some cheese pizza, and huddle all together on the sofa stuffing our faces. Thank goodness I'm small, otherwise I'd be really squished.

   Scary music starts to play, and I'm already petrified. I grab a hold of Rap Mon's shirt without realizing it, until I go to cover my face, when a little girl jumps out.

   "Sorry Rap Mon." I say, releasing his shirt, trying my hardest not to blush.

   "No need to be baby girl, if you're scared you can hide your face, I don't mind." He replies, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer. I feel soo much more secure.

   I hid for most part every time the scary music would get louder, so I missed most of the movie. I can handle scary movies more than being scared.  Everybody jumped on most of the scenes, so I didn't feel left out about being scared.

   I look over at Katie,  and she's asleep on J-Hope, who has his arms wrapped around her. I can't help but smile.

   "Alright, let's all go to sleep. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow you guys. "Rap Mon says, cradling me in his arms like a baby.

   He takes me into our new room, and lays me on the bed. J-Hope brings Katie in, and covers her with her blanket, giving her a kiss on the forehead goodnight. I honestly love the way he treats her.

   "Goodnight baby girl. Me and the boys have dance rehearsals tommorrow,  so you two are gonna stay here, unless you wanna come?" He says, covering me with my blanket.

   "Of course we'll wanna come, I'd love to see you guys dance." I reply, giving him a smile.

   He smiles back saying," Okay, sleep tight."

   He closes the door behind him, and I suprisingly fall asleep without a problem, considering I just watched like the world's scariest movie.

Four months, three weeks, and two days later.

                       Chapter 19

   I wake up to the sound of a loud clang, making me fall out of bed.

   "What the heck was that?" I say, slowly getting off of the ground.

   I look in the bed, and Katie's not there. I put my covers back on the bed, and open the door.

   We've been with BTS for a while now, and we've been all over the news. They love to spread drama about us, but I don't care. It's the news, and they're going to keep talking about us. Some of it will be true, while others aren't.

   I walk into the kitchen, seeing Jin bending over for a pan, while Katie's wearing an apron, with pancake mix on her nose.

   "Ah, sorry noona, I dropped a pan trying to reach for the mitts." Jin says, as Katie picks up the pan.

   "He's trying to teach me to cook" She says, handing him the pan.

   "Its okay Jin, and that's soo sweet of you to teach her, but I'm gonna go back to bed, considering it's only five o'clock." I say, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

   "Okay sweet dreams! Oh I'll wake you up about an hour before we to go to the movies." Jin replies, stuffing a strawberry in his mouth. He's soo much cuter seeing him actually eat in real life.

   "I'll save you a pancake or two!" Katie also replies, turning the front heat on four.

   "Okay, night. " I say in a mumble. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just tired.

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