Chapter 15

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   I watch the others as they play for a little while, and notice that Jimin keeps looking up here, like he's expecting me to go back In after that stunt.  He's such a dork. A cute dork.

   I lay down on my towel, and suddenly feel a heavy, and wet body on me.

   "Natty!" Jungkook yells, hugging me as tight as he can. New nickname for me.

   "Ah! Kookie you're so cold and wet! Get off of me!" I say, trying to push him off, but he just clings onto me like a monkey on a tree.

   "Hyung, get off of her before I make everybody else dinner, but you tonight!" Jin yells, making Kookie get off as fast as he could.

   "Mama Jin your never fun, I was simply making Natty join in on our fun she was missing out on!" Kookie replied, giving Jin a pouty face.

   "So noona, what are you doing up here by yourself?" Jin asked, plopping right down next to me.

   "Eh, I just can't help but notice Jimin constantly staring at me, like a puppy with a new toy haha..its creepy" I say, while watching Suga and V try to drown Jimin.

   "Well, you're like a new toy, nobody can keep their eyes off of you." Jin says, starting to blush slightly.

   Jin is soo sweet and adorable when he's shy.

   "Aww, that's soo sweet Jin." I reply, slightly nudging him.

   "Umm, youngest one back here, keep it PG please. " Kookie says, pushing inbetween me and Jin, making Jin slightly angry.

   All of a sudden, the studmuffin himself comes running out with water dripping off of his perfect body. It's like watching a hot guy model run on a beach.

   "Hey, get your tails back in the water this instant, I demand my play buddies back!" Jimin says, pulling me off of my towel.

   "Jimin, quit being such a child, I'll do what I want, when I want." I say, playfully snapping my fingers.

   "I'll be a child when I please, now I'm older than you, so I say your coming with me." He replies, quickly grabbing me by my arms and legs, throwing me over his shoulder again.

   I can't help but laugh.

   "You dork."I say, as he drags me back to the water.

   "You know it!" He replies, slightly making my hands touch his abs. They're absolutely perfect.

    We play in the water for about three more hours, and once we dried off, we go to an ice cream shop. We finish up eating, and go back to their house.

   "Ugh, the sand is rubbing me raw, I call the shower first! " Rap Monster yells, making the others all sigh.

   "Katie it's getting late, we should be heading home anyways."  I say, putting my hair up in a bun, so my wet hair will quit hitting me in the face.

   "Yeah I guess so, hey Jin? Could you drive me and Natalie home? It's getting kinda late." Katie asks, grabbing her towel from J-Hope. He's such a gentleman.

   "Oh, yeah, of course. "He replies with a smile, as usual.

   Katie gives J-Hope a kiss on his cheek, and hugs him goodbye. I hate splitting the beautiful couple up, but I can't handle my thighs rubbing together with sand inbetween them.

   "Hey you guys, we're leaving, but thank you for taking us to the beach today, we really appreciate it!" I say to the members.

   We all get into a group hug, and instead of it being soft, due to the sand it was rough, but I didn't mind it.

   "Oh! You guys we've gotta tell them!" V says suddenly, making all of the members extremely happy. All of their smiles are making me nervous.

   "W-what? Tell us what?" I ask, looking at Katie,  who's about as confused as I am.

   "When you got that letter the night we performed, we were allowed to choose what we wanted to do with you two. Our manager told us that it could be anything we wanted, as long as you two agree, and well, now since we know you two a little more..." Rap Monster says, smiling, showing his cute dimple.

   "We want you two to live with us!" They all say together in perfect harmony.

   I look back at Katie in complete shock, and she's squealing. I don't know how to take this right now. I'm too overwhelmed.

   "Yes! Of course we'll live with you guys! Oh my god! This is like a dream come true!" She replies for me and her both, running into all of the groups arms.

   I can't believe it. We're now part of BTS' s lives! Am I happy? Or am I terrified to live with them? Seven single men, the idols of South Korea, are now my roomates?!

   V wraps his arms around me, and drags me into the group hug again.

   "So, I guess we'll pack our things tonight, and come here in the morning? Sound good to you guys?" Katie asked them, all too excited to know that she'll be living with her new boyfriend.

   "Yeah, how about I pick you two up at ten-thirty?' Jin says, opening up the door for us, as we step back into the van again.

   "Sounds great, I reply, finally getting a word in. He smiles and closes the door.



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