Chapter 27

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Remember you guys, sometimes I'll call Jin, BJ, but just remember it's Jin ;-) Keep reading♥♥♥

Two months days later...

    "Kookie! I swear to god if you have on my new boxers again, I'm going to kill you!" Suga shouts in Korean, scaring the living daylights out of me. 
   Once again, Kookie seems to have notoriously robbed one of the members of their things, and you'd think they'd get use to it, but nope.

   "What? I don't know what you're talking about Hyung." He replies, running straight behind me. If he honestly thinks I'm gonna protect him from being retarded, he's got a whole nother thing coming at him.

   Suga comes marching out in nothing but a towel, making me completely uncomfortable. You'd think I'd get use to seeing it, but trust me, it takes a while to reel it in.

   "Natty save me. Daddy's angry again." Kookie says,  as Suga stops literally an inch In front of me.

   "Move for a second babe. This asshole needs to give me back what is mine." He says, giving me a death stare. I quickly move,  not denying his request, cause when he's angry. You do not want to get in the way.

   He pins Kookie to the sofa, making him look completely petrified.

   "Dad, I swear I don't have them this time." Kookie says, making me actually feel sorry for him.

   "Bullshit, you're the only one who seems to ever have my boxers. Now look, I just bought them yesterday, and you're soiling them, so give them back, or find yourself paralysed for the rest of your life." He replies in Korean, making my eyes go wide. I've never heard him soo serious, I mean I've seen him mad, but not like this.

   Kookie gulps, and is partially shaking. I can understand why they're definitely scared of him now. Don't touch his new things.

   "Y-Yoongi, I-I told you already. I-I don't have them." He replies, now closing his eyes. I've gotta stop this, Yoongi could really hurt him.

   I find Jin in his room, feeding his sugar gliders yogurt.

   "BJ! Suga's really angry at Kookie. He's got him pinned to the sofa right now. You've gotta do something!" I say, completely petrified. He gently lays them back in their little bed, and walks out.

   We walk into the living room, and Kookie's literally in tears right now. Suga looks like he might actually kill him.

   "Hyung! Let Kookie go! What the heck are you soo worked up about?!" Jin shouts, making Suga look back. He sees me, and I'm literally in tears right now. His face softens, and he releases Kookie.

   "He took my new boxers, I want them back..." he replies, sighing.

   "Hyung, I've got your boxers in the washer right now. They smelt weird, so I threw them in there." Jin says, looking at Kookie, who is literally filled with relief right now. He seems afraid to move though. I would be too.

   Suga's expression changes from irritated, to stupified. I feel kinda bad for him.

   "Oh...sorry Kookie. I didn't mean to hurt you like that." He replies,  looking back at Kookie, whose trying to wipe away his tears. Suga hugs him, and he doesn't deny it. There's honestly nothing that can tear these boys apart.

   "Yoongi, please watch your attitude towards others, it will hurt you later on in life if you don't." Jin says, patting him on the back. 

   "I know Hyung...I gotta go." He replies, walking out of the door, shutting it loudly.

   BJ and Kookie just look at the door, then eachother sighing. Lately Suga has been going out, but he normally takes somebody with him so he doesn't do something stupid, but not this time. 

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