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Aelin awoke suddenly, dragging herself from sleep. Morgan was nowhere to be seen, but that didn't surprise her. She seemed the type to slip out in the middle of the night with no explanation. Aelin stretched, frowning at the pain still in her back, looking around for what had woken her up. Her heart bounced, and then she felt it. A tug. For a male she didn't know if she would ever see again. She stood, breath quickening, not daring to believe it as she raced up the stairs, following the sound of voices. She swung open the door, and took one step before she stopped. He's here he's not dead alive here. Her vision swum as she took in Rowan, dripping wet from head to toe. Their gazes locked and the deck went silent. Morgan was grinning, but Aelin just looked and looked. Not dead not dead not dead here alive. A choking sob escaped her and she felt her knees give way. She felt Rowan move and then he was kneeling in front of her, lifting her face out of her hands and pulling her to his chest. He was wet and cold and sticky but she didn't care as she buried her face in his neck and sobbed. 

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