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Fenrys wondered when it was safe to knock on Rowan and Aelin's door, and then decided to damn it all to hell when Morgan announced it was time for dinner. He rapped on their door. Quick feet sounded before the door swung inward. Aelin's golden head popped out, her newly washed hair piled on top of her head. Her eyes had come alive again, and her face had regained some of its color. "Yes?" she inquired.

"Morgan sent me to inform you she is currently serving dinner," he declared, leaning on the doorframe. Rowan appeared behind Aelin, smelling of bath salts. Indeed, they both did. 

"Thank heavens," Fenrys drawled. "Now I won't have to dread getting seated next to Rowan at dinner." Aelin was trying in vain to hide her smile. Rowan just rolled his eyes opened the door further. 

"I wouldn't want to sit next to you anyway, on account of how much alcohol you're likely to consume," he replied. Fenrys grinned and motioned for them to walk in front of him. 

"What, you aren't going to lead us to the dinner table like a good little boy?" Aelin cooed, smirking. Fenrys grinned right back at her, raised his hand in salute and began to army march towards the dining room, Aelin's laugh chasing him up the stairs. 

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