Chapter 4

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Kelly's POV

Bey pushes me back to the kitchen.

"What is he doing here?!" she askes me eager to know

"I had no place in my house so I thought maybe he could pick you up and take you to his" I answered

"How did you know I was staying over?" she asked suspiciously. I didnt realise I said that until she asked.

"Ummm... a message from God?" I said nervously

"How could God give you a message after all the bad things you have done?" She made a good point. I shrugged "Well, who told you?" she was moving closer this time. "If you dont tell me I will cut your throat open and-"

"Ok ok" I stopped her "Jay told me" Wow she was good at getting things out of me.

"Oh my God. That guy he will regret he was ever even-" Bey started of and got stopped by the deep voice that I habe admired since in high school. There he was leaning on the door frame of the kitchen.

"Is everything alright ladies?" he askes lolking from me to Bey.

"Oh hey Lyndall what's-" I got stopped by Bey

"Everything is fine! Now lets go." She replied harshly to Lyndall "I'll see you Kel" I wave at them as they head out of the door.

Beyonce's POV

I was going to open the door to Lyndall's car but he opened it before I got there. Lyndall was my ex boyfriend from high school. We've had our ups and downs but at the end we just decided to take a break. It was warm in his car, and I was cold so I sat down comfortably on the leather chair getting warmed up.

"So.." he dragged the 'o' and breaks the peaceful silence. "Its been 10 years, right ?" I dont reply. He continues "And you still look like a fox" I give him the dead eye. "Ok sorry" Silence. We parked outside his house, and it wasnt what I was expecting. It was a normal size house. I reached out to open the car door by Lyndall locked the whole car.

"Lyndall what are you doing open this door!" I commanded

"Wow I really missed that attitude of yours" he sighs


"Not until you answer one question" What the fuck he locked the car just to answer me a stupid question. I cross my arm to gesture 'go ahead'.

He puts on a serious face. " Why did you do it?" he askes. What kind of question is this? And what is he talking about.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused

"You know what I am talking about." he replied

"No I dont."

He sighs "I mean why did you take an abortion to get rid of my baby" He asked.

My heart stopped beating.


Hehehe its a cliffhanger. I love doing this. XD Wait for next chapter to find out why she did it.

BTW Lyndall Locke is Beyonce is real ex boyfriend.

(On your comments dont add swear words coz they automatically get reported)


-Jessie xx

Jealousy (A Jay-z and Beyonce Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang