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I feel like my life is on Russian Roulette. Anything I say is a risk of me getting killed. Even though I really don't want to accept it, I know they are right. Their not brainwashing her, this is her inner feelings. I can be cold on the outside, but caring one the inside. Same goes for Pepsi. She may have been bubbly and nice on the outside, but I know that there was deeper feelings inside of her. She wasn't letting it build up, yet the moment she was shaken up, she couldn't help but explode. When you read the label on something, most likely there is a bunch of ingredients that you have no idea what they are so you choose to not notice them. Same goes for Pepsi. I didn't understand her so I just focused on the parts I enjoyed about her. Thinking back, I now see patterns of these feeling being inside her. The hatred. The disgust. The want to never see them again. But I see none of these feelings about me, so who then? I want to ask for help, but everyone here hates me. My broken friends left. I saw them get destroyed. Their body shattered into a million pieces. And do you know what the manager said to me? "Don't be a screwup or else you'll be like these mistakes." But I saw something. I saw the look in Coffee's metallic eyes. I know that look. The look of her believing in me. The last look she gave before her head got crushed. I can smell the metal smelting. The metal of my friends. All of them being reformed into something more "perfect." I loved all of them. When Pepsi left me, they helped me get though. They taught me stuff. They said if I want her back, then I will have to get past the twins. They said that they believe in me. They wanted the best. I don't know why the manager had to crush them all. They were like a family to me. I wanted them back more than ever. Even though they were dented, cracked, malfunctioning, and not fit for serving people. Even though they weren't the best. Even though they are useless pieces of junk in their eyes, they were still perfect in every way to me.

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