Shared feelings

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I don't even care about Pepsi anymore. She's changed too much. For all I care, she can do whatever the hell she wants. It's her own fault if she gets hurt. The only thing I care about is if she gets us in trouble. It already happened. She started a food fight with a bratty little kid. His mom said to give him vegetable pizza, but he wanted pepperoni. He started throwing a temper tantrum and so Pepsi went and got another pizza. And she threw it at his face. We got sued for that. It was so bad that we had to sell the Pacman machine. Pepsi has also been going to the back frequently doing edgy things like vandalism. She spray painted something on the wall. Most parents didn't like the drawing that she put, and business has been dropping recently. I don't know how we can maintain business anymore. I caught Pepsi sneaking out again. This time I followed her. I saw her looking at the workshop. Watching my friends melt. I she wasn't saying anything. I knew she was plotting something horrible. But then I saw her face. It had no expression. She wasn't enjoying this. She was giving them her silent respect. I ran back to the restaurant after that. She didn't notice me. I sit down and think about what I just saw. Maybe, some of the old Pepsi is left in her?

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