09 | pillow talk

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c h a p t e r | 09
'Let's check out the bedroom, shall we?'

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU EXPECT? The guy only has two brain cells. So no shit, you can't find him as he lost one and now is busy using the last one to try and find the other. Why do you think he still doesn't know the freaking clock?" Tessa muttered bitterly to herself. For some reason Hale always made her make use of her otherwise sparse expletive vocabulary as if they were created just for him.

She clung to the steering wheel in pure agitation cursing Hale to the cacti infested lands, while she found herself in the land of nowhere after her GPS had stopped working.

"But sure!" She hit the steering wheel for the umpteenth time, "I'll help. Of course I will, because I'm a stylist and not a fucking assistant!" She spat sarcastically and slapped down the visor to prevent the sun from hitting her straight in the face as she turned down a small road she thought she had already been down on once before during the last half hour she'd been driving around.

"I swear I'm gonna staple a fucking watch to his forehead the next time I see him. I bet I can make it pass as the next big thing in fashion," Tessa glowered and stopped the car altogether and she reached for her phone, trying to figure out exactly where she was.

"Sure great, no 4G, 3G, no nothing! Well, if the freaking house even exists, it's sure as heck off road. I'll give him that," Tessa huffed and threw the phone away from her and leaned over her seat to see if she could find a map or something that could give her an inkling as to where in the world she was.

"Off the highway, 2 lefts and a right. Yeah, up my ass maybe," she huffed, recalling John's instructions and visualized him being poked by a cactus too.

"Excuse me?" Someone knocked on the car, and she jumped in her seat, bumping her head on the roof of the car, before she looked at the intruder. A hissed response got caught in her throat as she captured the gaze of green tantalizing eyes, which swelled with wisps of golden circling the pupils.

Immediately she felt blood rush to her cheeks, daring her to speak as that would ensure it spilling to the rest of her face like an overripe tomato and she settled with an awkward smile instead. The hand which wasn't glued to the wheel was busy trying to smooth down the hair that must have strayed from its position by the wind that had blown through the open windows as she drove.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." The stranger's features cracked into a mind blinding smile, which sent her thoughts into a complete mush as she lingered a little too long on the adorable dimple that winked at her teasingly.

"Are you the one coming to take a look at the house?" He spoke up, gesturing subtly behind him and Tessa's mouth dropped open without the hint of a word on her tongue.

She felt her brain weakly try and jumpstart itself, though it seemed overpowered by its detection of a British accent thrown into the mix and it took everything in her not to sigh loudly in adoration.

"Y-yeah. Well, I mean. Hold on," she managed to croak out and turned in her seat, going through her purse as she searched for the page she had printed out before leaving, while trying to collect herself and prevent herself from looking like an even greater brain fart than she already did.

"I'm sorry, but there was a slight mix up, so I got sent to check it out instead of the one who— Yeah you don't need to know that," she shook her head and sent him a smile, before quickly covering her mouth as she hadn't checked if she had anything in her teeth from wolfing down her lunch on the way here.

The man, as it would be an offense to call him a guy, chuckled and took a step back to open the car door for her, and she quickly snuck a glance of herself in the rearview mirror.

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