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Violet's Pov

Everyone was given a post for freak duty. Someone must have suspected a freak being lose. So we were paired and each given a part of the school. I was given the gym and the hall that lead to it.

I was already on my way to the gym and making sure everything was clear. There was a small creek down the hall so I grabbed my weapon and got ready to turn the corner. I slowly peered my head around the wall only to be greeted by Zane.

“ Why are you here?” I rolled my eyes and started to make my way to the gym.

“ This is my post”

“ Great I have to be partners with you” I crossed my arms.

I felt him walk behind my while we checked the halls until we got to the gym doors. Zane walked ahead of me and grabbed the door. He opened it peered his head in first to clear for freaks. He opened the door all the way and let me in first. I looked up at him first before I entered. Which, now looking back was a bad idea. I got a quick peek on his eyes. I felt a rise in my emotions but I quickly ignored them and walked through the doors.

He walked in shortly after. We agreed on checking the bleachers first. He convinced me it would be better if one of us went under while the other stood outside on the lookout. Zane stepped inside slowly with his weapon in hand ready for any sneak attacks. I was supposed to be on the lookout for freaks but the only thing my eyes seemed to look at was Zane under the bleachers. His muscular arms gripped the rod and all his slow moments. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach twisted. The same feeling I had when we were together. What is happening?

Zane turned back around and started making his way towards me.

“All clear”

My eyes stood on him. He came closer and only then I noticed he saw me stare cause I was to busy.. staring. I moved over to give him space to exit out from the bleachers. I stood to the side and he looked at me again. I turned my head way so I wouldn't look at his face. I watched my toes while we stood there. I felt warm. He gently put his hand under my chin and lifted it up. My eyes followed his moment.

This was it. I was looking into his dreamy brown eyes and falling into his trance again. My brain wanted to stop but my heart and eyes pulled me in. He smiled gently as he held my face. His fingertips meeting at edge my ears touching them lightly. His smile faded and my eyes fluttered. I felt like this was all a dream. Everything was in slow motion. He moved in closer and before I knew it our lips were touching.

It felt like eternity until my brain came back to play and won me over. My eyes quickly shot open and I untangled my arms from its grip around his neck. I pushed him off me. My brain started to shoot around in all directions. I couldn't think straight. I bent down to the ground bring my knees to touch my face and fingers in my hair. I began to panic.

The whole time while I panicked I didn't even think of looking back at Zane to see what he was doing. My ears finally tapped into the situation I was now in. I heard Zane talking in the background but I didn't care to dismantle the mess of words pouring out of his mouth because I was too lost in the ones I was telling myself.

You are so dumb. Why did you do that? Grover is never going to forgive you.
What were you thinking?

What was is thinking? I just got up and stormed out the gym. I finally made out Zane's last words. "Where are you going?" I just rolled my eyes and left. I did it again. I let him play with me. I fell for the same stupid game. It's all my fault

I have lied to myself and I have to admit it... I am a fool for you.

Mixed Love (a freakish love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now