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Grovers Pov

I have been thinking. I try to understand what actually happened. I try to make up excuse for Violet. I want to believe this was one big misunderstanding. But that isn't the case. She kissed him. They practically made out. But the question I have been asking myself is, why?

I tell myself that she never loved me in the first place. That this was all too good to be true. My high school die heart crush is dating me. Shit like that never happens. Come on, it’s Violet Adams I am talking about.

To conclude my ideas I try to manipulate myself that she still loved him. But I know Violet or at least I thought I did.

I regret not giving her a chance to explain herself. I would at least would have ended my railroad of thoughts. I regret not giving her a chance so that must mean I am sorry. I am sorry that she cheated. I wish it didn't have to be that way…. What am I thinking?!

I just let Violet Adams walk away from me. What, am I insane?! I really should have let her talk at least say something for herself. I would have forgiven her right there and then. I know my Violet wouldn't just do that.

I got up and ran. I ran down the halls and looked through every door. I knew where she usually went to. I peeked through one last door and there she was, sitting peacefully. I opened the door and barged in. She turned her head and jumped when she saw me. Her eyes widen and she looked so confused and so was I. She stood up and looked at me. I patted my jeans and took a second to straighten out my shirt from the running. I was breathing hard when I simply said “ hi ”  

I saw her lips curl upwards slightly. Her eyes still spoke of confusion. I was about to say something until she cut me off.

“ Grover? I thought you didn't want to know about me”

“ I messed up. I don't know what I thinking” I walked closer to her.

“ No Grover” she shakes her head and stepped closer to me “I am sorry”

“ I know” I wiped my temples searching for the words to say next.

Silence grew. We were only inches away from each other. We both had no words to say. She looked into my eyes first and I looked right back at her. She smiled and so did I. Violet quickly brought her hands to my chin in a swift moment. I hands automatically held her hips like they always did. We looked into each other for what seemed like forever. I took a quick glance and looked at her lips, breaking the stare. I felt her look into mines. We hesitantly moved our chins closer then would pull away before our lips touched. She gave one last glance before we both leaned in. It was a short kiss. We were both so shy. I stopped.

“ do you forgive me?” she said softly looking into my eyes

I leaned in and kissed her again. She took this by surprise but welcomed herself in.

“ Does that answer your question?”

Violet smiled so big for the first time in a long time. She nodded her head and pulled me closer to her until our bodies pressed.

She looked at me and I could see tear threatening to come out from her eyes. I brought my thumb to her eye and wiped it away. “ Now that isn't necessary anymore is it” I said then smiled.

She shook her head in agreement. I grabbed her face and kiss her again to seal the deal.

Hey guys I just want you all to remember that I am always open for ideas.

So if you have any suggestions, questions, or ideas of what should happen or what you want to happen, please tell me. I love to connect with y'all.

Comment them or send them to me if you want it to be more private on my Instagram @ vidda_jimenez or @ bwekfastliza or more importantly on my Instagram for this book @ freakishfan123

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