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Out the double doors. My life crumbling in front of me. Tears blinding my vision. I walked the halls aimlessly. I had nowhere to go. Where do I run? He will never forgive me this time. Why am I so stupid?

I went to him..

I searched the rooms for any sight if Zane. I stumbled into Barret. We did not have a best background considering the fact that he threatened to tell everyone I was responsible for the whole explosion. But he was kind to me.

“Violet, what's going on” he stopped me

Words couldn't seem to make there way out of me. He shook my shoulders

“Say something!”

“Z-zane. Where's is Zane?”

“ I am not sure”

I pushed him off my me and kept going. I opened the door and finally found zane.

Once I came in he shoot up out to his seat and came to me. I need someone to cry on and ran into his arms. No question he held me. That made me happy. I started to think he genuinely happy.

“Violets what wrong?” he finally said

“Everything” I sobbed into his chest


Because I love you I wanted to yell at him but I didn't.

“Grover. We broke up” I looked away, hoping no more tears would fall. I didn't want to cry in front of Zane. It will make me weak in his eyes and he will take advantage of me again.

“Its okay Violet. I am here for you. I always was” he stroked my neatly positioned hair. Grover loves that about me. How my hair was barley disturbed and how beautiful he thought it was.

But then I fell into the thought of Zane touching my hair. Like he used to do. The hole in my heart was filled. I knew what was wrong all along. I missed Zane. I never truly moved on. Which explains why every time I laid my head on Grovers bare chest, it never felt right.  All my insecurities rushed out of my body in Zane’s arms.  I almost believed everything was going to be right again.

I felt a hand sneak up and touch my face. Chills ran through my body. It felt exactly the same as it did when we were dating. I opened my eyes but I couldn't get myself to look at him.

“Baby..” he said lowly and my heart skipped a beat.

Why do I still fall for him. Why do I still love him.

It all felt like the dreams. Yes that's what I said, “the dreams”. Every night in Grover's arms I dreamt of my past with my ex boyfriend. I hated myself for that but Grovers gone. Zane has me now.

In response to him I softly shook my head. I knew he wanted me to look at him but I was so frightened. Those devilish, but beautiful eyes that lured me.

Zane's hand softly touched my chin and brought it up towards him. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes. His eyes are forever engraved in my mind. Dangerously brown and seductive. The eyes that I fell for again and again.

Then his lips. They still looked the same as then did when I used to spend my nights watching them. A slight pale candy red. They still looked as soft as they always did. My mouth watered with the idea of being able to savor them again. The taste I used to remind myself of every time I kissed Grover. I wanted to see if they still kept the same flavor they always had. I looked back at his eyes catching myself staring.

Then I kissed him. I kissed Zane. And even though I knew how wrong it was, it still felt so right. He tasted the exact same. The familiar smell of him entered my nose. His aroma filled my lungs. Damn I missed his cologne.

It all reminded me how much I missed him. I couldn't control myself. One thing lead to the other and I found my hands tangled in his hair. We were in full make out when I wanted to stop but, I noticed his hands holding my hips and I never was more happier in his arms.

One thing lead to the other. One moment we were just kissing but, passion took over us both. Sooner or later he was making love to me. Now, I lay in his arms, my head on his bare chest just like it was meant to be. My once neat hair, messed on my head.

I don't know how to end this but Merry Christmas! I wish you all the best

Mixed Love (a freakish love triangle)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu