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Violets Pov

I finally got myself out from the closet. It took a lot of crying to get out but I did. My hands went you the door knob and I unlocked it. I made my way down the halls. I walked myself outside of the teacher lounge. I was very emotionally drained and needed sleep. I went to open the door and felt a tap at my shoulder. I turned my head and turned around. My face came close to Zane's chest. I took a seat back and crossed my arms.

“ Violet where did you go?”

“ Don't talk to me you ruined us.”

I turned myself around but he grabbed my shoulder and moved me back around.

“I didn't ruin anything. You kissed me”

“ I know I did, but I shouldn't have”

“ Well, how is that my fault” he swung his arms around.

“ You knew I was dating Grover” I looked up at him.

“ If you were dating Grover then why did you kiss me back?”

“ I don't know. Just leave me” I was a lost of words. He was right. Why did I kiss him. I just turned back to the door and opened it.

“ Where are you going to go? You have no one but me.”

“ Then I'll be alone.”
I closed the door in his face and stormed inside. I really didn't want to be alone.

Especially in this situation where Grover just left me.

After trying to sleep for 30 minutes and failing, I left the room. I walked down the halls aimlessly. My mind was racing and nothing was clear.

I kept walking to nowhere when I heard something weird. I slowed my pace to focus my hearing to find where the noise was coming from. I walked forward in slow motion when one of the classroom doors swung open right in front of me. The door opened and allowed a freak to call onto the ground inches away from my feet. I was still kinda foggy in the brain and it took me forever to react. Before could do something the freak jump into me and tried to chomp at neck. All I could do in that moment was block its mouth with my arms and kick my legs hoping to get him off of me. We fought on the floor for what seemed like forever until I felt weight lift off me. Looked up and it was Zane. He grabbed to freak off off me and threw him to the side. And then proceeded to stab at its skull many, many times over and over again. I pushed myself against the wall opposite of the fight. I watched Zane stab it the last time before standing back up and dropping his bloody knife on the ground, making the blood from the knife splatter in the ground in front of me. He took a couple breaths before he turned to me and knelt down next to me.

" Did you get bit?" He said as he examined my body for anything.

" I-I don't k-know" I was totally out of breath from holding that thing back from me.

" Thank God" he said after her sighed and brought his hand to his temple to wipe off the blood from his face. It was kind of pointless because the rest of him and face was splattered. " no bites"

I sighed in relief and smiled a bit. That when our eyes meet again. I fought with every part of myself to stop me from looking but failed. Before I knew it he was standing above me with his hand held out. I grab it and got off the floor.

" You have to stay with me" he said "Unless you want something like this to happen again"

I just nodded my head in approval. I knew I could take care of myself but honestly I just didn't want to be alone. Zane wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked back together.

Mixed Love (a freakish love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now