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Violets POV

Everyone knows about Zane and I. When I say everyone that also means Grover. I have seen him since the “incident” where I accidentally told him that I still love my ex and stormed out. Yeah..he probably hates me. But I am happy. I feel happier with Zane. He doesn't force me to do anything like he used to and he's not controlling. He always there to back me up. It's almost too good to be true I can feel something bad is brewing up..

~ ~flashback~~{this happened in chapter one when Zane first came to the school}

“ you are responsible aren't you!”

I slowly nodded my head and quickly wiped my face. Zane let go of me and stood up and started to pace the room. I rubbed my sides from his painfully strong grip.

“What are you gonna do Violet?” he said after a couple moments of silence

“ I don't know”

“ You were just going to lie to them and pretend you weren't involved in all of this.”

“ what am I supposed to do!” I finally said. A couple seconds passed “just please promise you won't tell anyone”

The door swung open before Zane could answer. It was Grover and Barrett.

“What's going on here?” Grover said strictly.

“Why were you guys screaming” Barrett finished.

“ Nothing” Zane said plainly “everything's fine” he said looking directly at me and he walked away. Once he left I finally got to breathe. I sighed and sat back. I was so revealed he didn't tell. But the question is.. how long will he keep the secret?

~ ~

Zane's POV

Violet's with me now. What else could I ask for, you ask? Revenge. Violet's a crazy lunatic and I will never forget that. You might think I should let the poor girl alone but Violet is far from innocent. That bitch blew up my best red truck. She knew how much it meant to me and her paranoid ways lead her to cause the whole explosion. I kept her secret for long enough. I got what I wanted and now it's time to end her.  I have a plan. I will just get everyone to come into one place together and make sure Violet's there so she can see the disappointment in everyone's faces. She will have now were to run. It's not like her guilt is already killing her, lets say I am finishing the job.

~5 hours later~

Its dinner in this crappy cafeteria. We are eating together, perfect timing. Violet's sitting at my side and everyone is circling the oval table. I poke into the can of squishy canned peas waiting for the best timing.

Grover POV

Zane suddenly stood up during eating time and set his can on the table.

“ lets play a little game guys. ‘Who is the lair?’”

Once those words came out of his mouth I could she Violet tense up.

“Zane what are you doing” she screamed whispered to him.

“ don't worry” he said “we aren't scared of the truth here right?”

Everyone stood quiet, all eyes on Zane.

“ I'll take that as a yes” he sneered.

Violets was frozen. I wanted to go over there and give her a hug but she's in love with someone else. Just as I believed. I was her only another choice after all. She missed Zane and Zane was who she was looking for. She settled for me. And when Zane came back she ran to him. I knew it was too good to be true. Me the dork, Grover Jones dating Violet the Violet Adams. Never in a million years

“ I have something to say about your little ‘friend’ you call here. Violet Adams” he announced. And everyone's eyes shot at Violet her face filled with fear. I wanted to stand up for her but the next sentences that came out of Zane mouth...I couldn't believe it.

“ Well Violet Adams and I had a little dilemma before the explosion. Her paranoid self made homemade BOMB and blew up my truck”

“ only because you were a dick and cheated on me” Violet responded

Zane gave a small forced laugh “ if I were you Violet Adams I will shut up because the next words I am gonna say will affect you greatly”

Violet shut her mouth

“ well what the fuck is it” Diesel shouted, already bored of the conversation.

“ my truck wasn't the only thing this lunatic blew up. She blew up the plant. It was her fault and she accidentally blew up the plant trying to demolish my truck. Yes you heard it right. Violet Adams is the reason why we are all stuck in this school, why there are zombie freaks outside and why all our families are dead.”

“Wait they aren't dead, right?” said Zoe

“ Zoe that isn't the point” LeShawn said “ this idiot is the reason for all of this”

Everyone was up on their feet and trying to make there own justice out go the situation. Violet was yelled at and surrounded by the group. Some people just gave her a dirty look and walked away. All I knew what that Violet was being stoned with words and I didn't know what to believe. I knew violet, but did I real? The Violet I knew made me feel like a fool and left me. I can't lie, I still love Violet but until the real truth comes out she's a murder.

Hey guys thanks for reading. Don't forget to save this book into your library, star and share so I can post more chapters. And yes I know Violet didn't really start the explosion in the show but the truth isn't really clear in my book. Soon they will understand Violet isn't a murder but until then..

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