5 - First Kiss!

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Next day

Scott's P.O.V

I decided to take Stiles' advice and ask Malia out. So I called her, she didn't answer so I called and called and called. I text her about 15 times and she didn't reply to any of them. I started to get worried as she hadn't even seen my messages, so I went round to ask Stiles if he knew where she was. He said he didn't know, Liam started get worried. So we decided to split up and look for her around Beacon Hills. I was sent to the woods so I went to the woods and came to the place where I turned Malia back to human and felt a hard surface under my foot. I looked down and saw a phone, I recognised that phone. It was Malia's!!! I turned it on and saw a picture of me carrying Malia on my back when the whole pack had a picnic. I remember how happy she was. I missed her smile, I hadn't seen her in a week after our talk about couples, she spent a lot of time around Isaac and I couldn't help but feel jealous. Suddenly I heard quite sobs. I followed the sound till I found Malia in a cave. I let out a sigh of relief as soon as I saw her, but then realised that she was crying. I went up to her and sat beside her, she didn't react. I pulled her towards me and hugged her tight I didn't know what was wrong, but decided on asking her once she was more stable. She held me tight and cried hard into my hoodie, I didn't mind though I was just glad she was safe. She pulled away once she was a bit more stable, I quickly text Stiles telling him I found her and she was safe. After texting Stiles I turned towards Malia and asked her what was wrong she was a bit hesitant to tell me at first, but then agreed. She explained that today was the day of the accident and she told me what happened. After she finished telling me what happened she began to cry again, I wiped her tears away and pulled her onto my lap and held her tight. We sat like that for a good 10 minutes and once I felt Malia relax in my arms I suggested giving her a ride home, she agreed.

We walked back to my bike in silence and the journey to hers was also silent. We arrived at her house, we both got off my bike and she grabbed me tight, I hugged her back of course. She pulled away and said "Thank you" a frown spread across my face, "For what?" I asked confused. "For not judging me" she replied quietly. I smiled and then leaned down and kissed her, she kissed me back and held my hand tight!

I didn't know what came over me I just went for it, she had an incredibly soft touch. As we separated I saw a huge smile spread across her face, a smile I had never seen before but could definitely get used to, and I found myself mirroring her smile. She started walking towards her house when I gently pulled her back with the hand that she was still holding tight. I saw the front door open behind Malia and saw Stiles holding Liam back I knew I had to make my move before Liam chased me. So I looked back at Malia and said "Hey, um, I was wondering if you, uh, would like to go out with me sometime, like on a date?" her face lit up and she said "Yeah, I would love to" "Really?" "Yeah, of course!" "Great how does Friday sound?" I ask "Friday sounds great" she said and reached up to give me another kiss. As we pulled away I saw Stiles giving me a thumbs up and Liam looked like he was gonna vomit. "See you tomorrow then" Malia said gaining my focus once again, "What do you mean, tomorrow's Monday, the dates not till Friday" I said hurriedly. "I meant at school silly, I do hope that my best friend is going to help me get through my first day at school in 5 years." "Oh, yeah, of course what kind of a best friend would I be if I didn't, and plus no more bacon and maple syrup waffles." She chuckled softly and said "Goodbye Scott." "Bye Lia" I said using the nickname I had come up with a few weeks ago. I watched as Malia walked in and then got on my bike and drove home. I got home and ran straight up to my mum and hugged her, she asked "What's gotten you in such a good mood?" "I did it mum I asked Malia out and she said Yes!!!" I practically yelled, mum laughed at my enthusiasm and said "Scott she's a keeper, ok? Don't do anything stupid and ruin it, she makes you happier than ever." "Don't worry mum, I don't plan on letting her go anytime soon." And smiled at the thought of mum's approval, and with that I went upstairs to text the boys about on what to do with Malia.

Malia's P.O.V

"Bye Lia" Scott said, I smiled at him and then walked up to the front door and heard him leave on his bike. I love his bike it makes me feel so free. I opened up to Scott! I don't like to talk about my past or my feelings, but with Scott it feels so natural, like I know I can tell him anything and I know he won't judge me or think of me any differently. I enter the house and get attacked with hugs from Liam, I hugged him tightly in response, and then the same with Stiles. Liam asked worriedly "Where were you Mal? We were so worried about you, you wouldn't answer your phone or anything." So I decided I shouldn't hide it from them anymore and told them about the accident and how it was my fault, and I killed them. I also told them how Scott found me and I told him to. They were so forgiving, which I didn't deserve at all and by the end of the story we were all in tears. After my story Stiles and Liam explained how dad committed suicide after finding out Liam was a werewolf and well I couldn't blame him, I knew it was an accident but I definitely deserve to get their forgiveness. I killed our mum and little sister with my bare hands, Liam just triggered dad's death. I felt truly bad for Stiles as he is just human and didn't ask for supernatural siblings to take away both of his parents.

I went upstairs as I was exhausted and decided to group face time Lydia and Allison and tell them about the accident as everyone else knew so it wouldn't be fair. Isaac was the first person I told as at the time well he was the only friend I had that I could probably trust, but he was so forgiving and caring. He was practically like a brother to me, my parents practically treated him like their son. His parents were going through a rough time when we met. His mum and my mum were really close, like sisters even, so when his mum was going through her divorce we basically took Isaac in and I honestly don't regret being his best friend. We've helped each other get through the unthinkable as his mum was also supernatural, which made Isaac a werewolf too. Anyway after explaining the accident to Lydia and Allison, who were now in tears which made me go again, I told them about mine and Scott's date on Friday and they said that they would come over after school and do my hair and makeup and bring over some dresses to choose from. I complained a little as I didn't want to wear a dress but they said it was a necessary that you wear a dress on you first date, so I eventually agreed, but I still don't think that's true. I came down to eat and Liam asked me what took me so long. I said "I was talking to Lydia and Allison" and soon as I mentioned Allison Stiles looked up from his dinner and asked "Did she mention me?" Liam and glanced at each other and burst out laughing at how eager he was. 

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