16 - Hospital Date

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Malia's P.O.V

I went home with Stiles and Liam, we were rapping along to Pitbull the whole way home, and it was actually really fun! I went upstairs and connected my phone to my speaker, I then opened my closet. I tried on about 20 different outfits until I found one that I was happy with. I was wearing a black crop top (one that Lydia gave me) with some high waist denim shorts and I decided to wear one of Scott's flannels he left the last time he was over. I decided to wear my white converses with some grey frilly socks. I was just finishing off my make up when I heard a car pull into the drive. When I say make up I mean I put some mascara on and some lip gloss, I left my hair down in its natural curls. "I'll get it" I yelled to Stiles as I heard him leave his bedroom. "Ok" he replied. I grabbed my phone and I ran downstairs. I opened the door and saw Scott, I gave him a kiss and once we pulled away he said "Damn how come you look so much better in my clothes than I do." I laughed and then said "Well you either got it or you don't!" we both laughed and made our way to Scott's mum's car. The drive to Scott's flew by really quickly before I knew it we had arrived. We both got out of the car and headed for the door hand-in-hand. The door flew open even before we had reached his porch, I'm guessing Scott's mum heard us pull in to the drive. "Hi Mrs McCall" I said as I went in. "Hi Malia it's nice to finally meet you properly and please call me Melissa." She said. We were all eating and talking about random things Melissa and I got on really well, she is really funny and she is just all round the best mum anyone could ever wish for. Scott is so lucky and he doesn't even realise it. We were just finishing the Chinese when my phone rang I looked at the caller ID, to see if it was important. It was John Meade, so I say "Excuse me, I really need to take this" Melissa and Scott both nodded at me and I headed to the other room to answer. I had become really close to the Meade's since I first met them at the hospital. They were there because Kylie's mum was in critical condition from a car accident and the next day when I went to visit they told me she had passed away early that same morning. Since then I have visited them regularly as I know what it's like to lose my mum and I didn't want Kylie to face it all alone like I did and she seems a lot better now. John and Diana are like the grandparents I never had. John would always tell me I was just like Kylie's mother and that me being around was really helping Kylie and Diana with their loss.

I answered the phone and was taking to John when I heard Melissa's pager go off. I just ignored it and continued to talk to John, he told me Diana had a stroke and was in the hospital and it was quite a dangerous stroke and they weren't sure if she was going to make it. I suddenly burst into tears, I told John I would get there as soon as I could. I couldn't control the tears anymore they just kept flooding don my face. I went back to the Scott and Melissa and told them what had happened "I've been called in to the hospital would you like to come with me?" Melissa asked me, "We'll all go" Scott said, he grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. We all got into Melissa's car and drove to the hospital. Once we got in and were told which room Diana was in I sprinted down the corridors to find the room. Once I had got to it I peered inside through the window as they weren't letting anyone in to see her just yet. All of a sudden I heard someone yell "MALIA!" I knew exactly who it was. I turned around and saw Kylie running up to me once she came up to me I kneeled down and hugged her tight. We were both crying helplessly on the floor, I then felt a hand on my shoulder, it was John. I got up and gave him a hug and cried into his shoulder, as Scott hugged Kylie. "Hey don't worry the doctors said everything is going to be just fine" John said reassuringly. I then pulled away and sat down next to Scott he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him so I was sitting on his lap. I continued to cry and Scott simply held me in his arms and stroked my back soothingly. I had lost so many people in my life and I just wasn't prepared to lose someone else. Scott and I spent the night at the hospital. I rested my head on Scott's shoulder and entwined one of my hands with his as my other hand stroked the hair on Kylie's head which was gently plopped on my lap. I looked at Scott and saw that he was asleep and then I looked down at Kylie and she was also fast asleep. I felt really bad for her and just the sight of her tear stained cheeks made me sob softly.

I spent the next few weeks with the Meade's. A week after Diana had her stroke she was released from the hospital and was at home resting. I decided I would stay with them and do all the work that she would normally do and to take care of her and Kylie, as I didn't want Diana to risk having another stroke. 


sorry for the mishap hope you enjoyed the extra chapter ;) xx

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