24 - Derek Hale

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Malia's P.O.V

I had a great time with Scott yesterday we went to a theme park. We went on every ride about 3 times and then we had smores in his garden, when we got back. Melissa said her date went really well and that they are going to go out again sometime. She gave me my ring back and said that she would be really happy for me to help her out occasionally at the hospital, so that I can get to know what it feels like to be a doctor, and of course I agreed.

Scott and I decided to stay in and have a movie day, in our pyjama's, snuggling on the sofa as it was chucking it with rain. I got up to go make some more popcorn when there was a knock on the door. Scott went to get it but I went instead. I opened the door and a tall middle aged man, drenched in water, stood before me. "Hello, can I help you?" I asked, he looked at me and then said "Malia Dunbar." I looked at him oddly and then asked "How do you know me? Who are you?" "I am Derek Hale!" he replied. "Baby who is it?" Scott yelled. "I think you'd better see for yourself" I replied and gestured for him to come in. I led Derek to the lounge, Scott saw us and paused the movie. "Who are you?" Scott asked. "I am Derek Hale!" he said. Scott pulled me into the kitchen and told me to call the pack over, so I did.

No One's P.O.V

The pack arrived at Scott's house and all crowded around Derek Hale in Scott's living room. "Hey, I'm ..." Stiles began breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Stiles" Derek finished. "I know who all of you are" he finished. He gestured towards each member of the pack and said their names, one by one. The pack stood shocked and speechless. "How do you know who we are?" Lydia asked. "I am always watching you" Derek replied. Malia took a sniff of the air and almost immediately recognised his scent. "I recognise your scent...you were that black wolf" Malia said, Derek nodded in response. "Black wolf?" Scott asked protectively. "It was a few days after the accident I was being chased by some hunters and I was really weak because I hadn't eaten and he saved me. He taught me how to hunt for food and how to escape the hunters. If it weren't for him I would be dead." Malia explained. "Why did you save Mal?" Liam asked. "You really don't know who I am, do you?" Derek asked, the pack shook their heads in response. "I saved Malia because she is my niece!" the pack gasped, "What do you mean I'm your niece?" Malia asked. "Corrine was my sister. She was a Hale before she became a Dunbar. I am your uncle, all three of you" Derek explained gesturing to the three siblings. All three of them looked shocked. "Wow, I take it Corrine never talked about her family then" Derek said awkwardly. "I protected Malia because Corrine never used her power's for the good of others she just locked them away, she wasted them. But when I saw Malia gain that power I knew she would utilise them and protect others. Power like that shouldn't be hidden and so far I was right you are a protector." Derek explained. "Wait pause and re-wind, what do you mean power like that? Malia is just a were-coyote" Lydia asked, a blank expression on her face, that same expression on Allison's and Isaac's. "Oh I meant to tell you sooner, I guess I forgot. A while back I went to Deaton to see if he could find out why I was worth so much on the deadpool. It turns out that mum was known as The Desert Wolf because she was pure even purer then a true alpha. But because she was a coyote when she gave birth to me I received half of her powers and then when I ..." Malia paused and Scott grabbed her hand reassuringly. "When I killed her I got the other half of her powers as well, so know I basically have the full power of a Desert Wolf and that's why I am worth the most on the deadpool." Malia explained. Allison and Lydia gave Malia a hug to let her know that they were always there for her. "Does that mean the rest of our family died when the Hale house was burnt down?" Liam asked, Derek nodded solemnly. Malia felt guilty she took away the last Hale Derek had left, his sister. "I'm the reason you three still have a house to live in" Derek said. "Wow, well thank you for looking out for us." Stiles replied. Malia's guilt overwhelmed her and she left, she went outside and sat in the rain. Everyone watched as she left, "I'll go talk to her" Isaac said and followed her out. Scott and Stiles exchanged a look. "She will come around soon" Liam said. "Can we ask you a few questions ... about the deadpool?" Stiles asked and then started his research, like the budding detective he was.

Isaac's P.O.V

I followed Mal outside and found her sat outside in the rain. "Hey are you ok?" I asked her as I took a seat next to her. "I'm fine, you didn't need to come out here" she replied. "I know I just wanted to make sure that you were ok" I said. "I mean I just found out that I have more family, but like the rest of my family they are dead so ... it'll take some getting used to" she replied sarcastically, a typical Dunbar trait. "Well you have the pack and your brothers and the Meade family, and you have an uncle, who saved your life the least you could do is get to know him a bit." I said cautiously, wary that this could either go really well or horribly. "I would love to get to know him but I ... I can't ... I killed his sister, you really think he is going to forgive me?" she asked, but I don't think she really wanted an answer. "He forgave you the day he saved you from the hunters" I said and then got up leaving Mal deep in her thoughts. I went back inside and was filled in with the information the pack had gotten from Derek. "So where is he now?" I asked, "He said he will come around another time, I think he was a little upset that Mal didn't want to get to see him." Stiles said. "Yeah, about that it's not that she doesn't want to get to know him she's just worried that he won't forgive her for the accident, I tried to get her to understand that he wouldn't have helped her if he didn't forgive her so she should come around soon." I explained. The pack nodded in response and decided to regroup later. We all went home.

Scott's P.O.V

Once the pack had left I decided I would make something for Mal, she didn't have the best day and I don't want to make it worse by asking her stuff, so I decided to let her relax a bit. I sent her to have a nice hot bath as she was at outside in the rain and came back ice cold. I found a recipe for some salted caramel muffins. I followed the recipe carefully and they actually came out well, or at least I thought so. "Scott" I heard Lia call. "Coming" I replied and went upstairs with the muffins. She was sat on my bed crossed legged in her pyjamas, her curly freshly washed hair sat on her shoulders and she had a solemn smile on her face. I stood at the door frame taking in everything about her, god I love her so much. I walked up to her and handed her the plate of muffins, her face lit up as soon as she saw them. She took one and took a bite, the rest of the muffin was gone within a matter of seconds. She looked up at me and patted the bed next to her, I sat down next to her and watched as she devoured each muffin one by one. Until there was one left, however instead of eating it herself she fed the muffin to me, they were delicious even if I say so myself. We sat there opposite each other in a comfortable silence when Malia asked, "Scott? Did you make them for me?" sweetly. I nodded in response, she inched closer to me and asked "Did you burn down the kitchen?" I chuckled softly before shaking my head in response. She climbed into my lap and kissed me passionately. Once we had separated she said "I love you Scott, I always will" I looked at her in awe and pulled her in for another kiss, once we pulled away I said "I love you to Malia, more than I thought was humanly possible." She placed a soft kiss on my cheek and then fell asleep. 


plot twist :) well not rlly but enjoy xx

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