18 - We need each other

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Malia's P.O.V

"OMG Mal, are you ok? I can't believe you risked your life for me it's all my fault, next time don't make stupid rash decisions like that ok?" Isaac said frantically as he came into the room whilst checking me all over to see the damage, I could smell the guilt radiating off him. "Hey, look at me. I'm fine ok? I'm alive and you are safe so no damage done yeah?" I said turning his face so that he was looking at me. He nodded hesitantly and said "Just promise me you will never scare me like that ever again." Isaac said as he pulled me into a tight hug, "I promise" I whispered softly into his shoulder. "Do you want me to call the others in?" he asked once we pulled away. "Just give it a few minutes, I like sitting with you like this, we don't exactly get to do it often." Isaac smiled and nodded in response.

After a few minutes Liam came in to see me and Isaac went back outside. I was shocked when I saw him he looked as if he hadn't stopped crying for the past 3 or so hours and I felt really bad as I knew he was crying because of me. "Liam look I'm fine ok...I...I'm really sorry." He looked at me, tears filling his eyes once again and in turn making mine fill up to. I pulled him into a tight hug and we both sat there crying for a bit. Stiles then came in and I pulled him into a hug as well. "Hey don't worry I don't plan on leaving the 2 of you any time soon, I'm afraid I'm sticking around just a little longer to annoy the living daylight out of you." I said making Stiles and Liam chuckle softly in between sniffles. "We wouldn't have it any other way." Stiles said and the mood of the room instantly lifted, "The Three Dunbar's and our stupid sarcastic jokes are back." Liam said in turn and we all started laughing. "Hey, um, there's a certain someone's worried boyfriend sat out there, I think maybe that someone should go reassure him that everything's ok" Stiles then said nudging me. I couldn't believe I nearly forgot about Scott.

I walked up to the door and peered through the window and saw Scott with his head in his hands. I opened the door and said "Hey baby" in the cutest voice possible. He instantly looked up and pulled me into his arms protectively. Once we pulled away Scott's eyes wondered towards the floor so I hooked my finger under his chin and forced him to look at me and said "Baby? What's wrong?" "I, uh, just...next time promise me you will call me before you make any stupid decisions and we will work through it together ok? We are a team, and I can't risk losing you Lia. You mean the world to me and I nearly did lose you this time so please don't ever do that to me again. You always take the hit for everyone else next time let me take it for you, there's only so many times you can avoid death." He finally said. I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet. "Lia, I..." he began but didn't finish. For a second I thought he was gonna say 'I love you', I was a little disappointed but didn't show it. Instead I looked down at my feet and then it kind of just came out...

"I Love You" we both said in unison.

I looked up into Scott's big chocolate brown eyes shocked that he also said it. I inched closer to him and kissed him as if there were no tomorrow and he kissed me back pulling me closer towards him lovingly. It felt like the first time we kissed and I could practically see fireworks going off around us "Hmm I love it when you do that" I said once we separated "Do what?" Scott asked confused, "When you pull me even closer to you protectively." A smirk spread across his face, "What like this?" he said pulling me even closer and kissing me again. This kiss lasted longer than the first, there were no fireworks this time. It just felt like ... home.

Once we pulled away there was a round of applause. I turned around and saw the rest of the pack, a huge smile spread across my face. I gave Scott a quick kiss on his cheek and then made my way towards Lydia and Allison. We all hugged each other and caught up on what we missed. The girls congratulated me for Scott and me 'finally' saying we love each other. We then started talking about Allison and Stiles' date that I unofficially ruined. "Hey, you know I'm pretty sure Stiles loves you more than he loves me" Allison started "When Scott called us he practically sprinted the whole way here!" she finished. "What can I say we are twins we have a connection that none of you guys have!" I said, "But I doubt he loves me more than you, he never shuts up about you when we are at home. It gets kind of annoying actually." I added. Allison looked very proud of herself, Lydia and I exchanged a look and then burst out laughing. "What? Why are you laughing?" Allison asked. I simply shrugged and went to find Melissa.

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