27 - Belasko's Talons

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Malia's P.O.V

It's been a good 5 hours since I came here and I have already accustomed to Theo's rounds her come in every half an hour to beat me and Derek up and then he goes again. The problem is we can't heal because he injected both of us with wolvesbane. Theo beats up severely but not enough to make us bleed to death. "Why won't you just kill us already?" I asked him on his routinely rounds. "Because it will only work when the full moon is at its highest and you're powers are at their strongest and I figured why not let Derek watch his niece die before he does knowing he couldn't do anything about it" Theo replied right before he stabbed me in the stomach with a knife and twisted it. I opened my mouth ready to scream out in pain but nothing came out, he pulled the knife and I coughed up lots of blood.

I figures out how to stop Theo all we have to do is to send him back to hell before the full moon he can't come out a second time it just doesn't work like that. "Derek" I whispered, but got no response. "Uncle Derek" I yelled quietly, he woke up startled. "What's wrong?" he asked weakly. "I know how to stop Theo all we have to do is send him back to hell before the full moon" I told him. "How exactly do you propose we do that?" he asked. "Well there must be something in Beacon Hills that brought him back from hell and that could send him back again otherwise how would he have come back? They don't just let you out of hell" I said. "Belasko's talons" I think Derek whispered. "Pardon?" "Belasko's talons" he repeated, "They are in the Hale vault under the high school" he finished. I thought for a minute and then replied "Ok so here is the plan, we are going to work together to escape and then you are going to go and get Belasko's talons and then we are both going to come back and send Theo back to hell" "OK come closer to me" Derek replied. He cut through the ropes holding me to the chair with his claws and then I did the same for him. Bang on each hour one of Theo's monkeys comes in top up the wolvesbane in our systems so we planned to wait for him to come.

Once he came in he went towards our chairs and noticed they were empty before he could do anything Derek knocked him out and we both ran out the door. We were running for the exit when another one of Theo's monkeys was chasing us. He definitely wasn't supernatural as he was running very slowly behind us. We nearly made it to the exit when the man chasing us pulled out a gun a shot me in the back of the leg, I stumbled a bit but continued to run. He shot me again and again, by the time we reached the door I had at least 6 bullets lodged in the back of my legs and in my back. Then out of nowhere Theo appeared. "Come on Malia you can make it" I heard Derek shout. "Uncle Derek go. Go find the pack they will help you. Theo doesn't need you anyway he only needs me go while you still have a chance" I yelled back. "NO Malia! I'm not leaving you" he replied desperately. "GO Uncle Derek, I love you and I'm sorry for everything but after all I am a protector. Go I will be fine tell the pack I love them" I said and urged him to leave. Once he had gone Theo came up to me and pulled me to my feet by my hair. He then threw me into an empty pitch black room and locked the door. All of a sudden I heard hissing sound, some kind of gas was filling up the room I was in. The next thing I remember is my head smashing onto the floor.

Derek's P.O.V

I was shocked at what Malia said, but I did what she asked. I ran until I made it to Scott's house but he wasn't there so I traced him by scent, and of course I found him with the rest of the pack. They were in the middle of the woods who knew why. I approached them and called out to Scott, but before he got to me everything started to spin, I grabbed onto something or someone whatever was closest just before I hit the ground, the last thing I heard was Stiles yelling "Dude he's dying" before everything went quite.

I woke up in a vet? I was sat on a cold steel table the whole pack stood around me looking very distressed. Once they all noticed I was awake Scott asked the one question they were all dying to know the answer to, "Derek who did this to you?" he asked me. I moved to get off the table when I heard a little pop and then my stomach began to bleed. "You've popped your stitches already?" a tall strange man said from the corner of the room. "Derek this is Deaton" Scott introduced. I simply nodded in response. "Uncle Derek what happened?" Liam asked as Deaton redid my stitches. "Theo" I replied as the pack gasped in response. "What exactly happened?" Lydia asked breaking the unbearable silence. I explained everything from the moment I got there to the moment Malia forced me to leave her behind. "So how exactly do we get Mal out safely and send Theo back to hell?" Allison asked. The Argent's and I actually had a very bad background as well it was an Argent that set our house (The Hale House) on fire, but since Allison joined the pack and Chris argent saved my life we have been just fine as well the only Argent's left are Allison and Chris. "Well in the Hale vault under the high school there is a jar with talons in them. The talons belonged to a very power driven supernatural called Belasko, he was sent to hell and all that was left of him were his talons. It is said that whoever is stabbed with them will also be given a one way ticket to hell. So the plan is to get the talons and go save Malia before Theo kills her" I explained. "And when exactly is that?" asked Stiles, anxiety radiating off him like crazy. "When the full moon is at its highest" I replied. "What we only have until midnight!!!" Liam exclaimed getting angry. "Guys its 9pm we only have 3 hours left so if we want to save Mal we've got to get a move on" Isaac said. Everyone agreed and headed for the Hale Vault under the high school.

Stiles, Liam, Isaac and I went to the vault's entrance. The girls stayed behind and Scott stayed with them just in case anyone attacked. We got to the vault door and I stuck my claws into the slots and twisted it. The door slid open and the 4 of us walked in to the vault. I had never been in here before it was a large room full of shelves that were covered with different things. "So what exactly are we looking for?" Liam asked. "A jar with large claws in it, they kind of glow as well" I replied as we all split up in the vault. As I was searching for the talons I came across a jar full of Reishi mushrooms. I had heard of the healing qualities that these mushrooms contain, apparently they could cure any supernatural wound or illness within seconds. I grabbed the jar off the shelf and continued to search for the talons. "Hey Uncle Derek, are these the talons?" I heard Stiles ask, I walked up to him and nodded, we then all left the vault and climbed into Stiles' jeep.

"Ok so what now?" 

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