28 - The Finale !!!

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Theo's P.O.V

After I put Malia in the black room, I filled it with wolvesbane gas and thankfully she passed out. I haven't heard anything come from the inside of that room since she passed out and I would like to keep it that way until the full moon is at its peak. The plan so far is going great apart from the fact that Derek escaped and will probably go get Malia's little pack, but I guess that means I get to fulfil the deadpool after all so I say that's a bonus. Everything was fine until there was a crash coming from the entrance to the building. I heard a lot of growling and screaming and arrows/bullets being fired everywhere and I immediately knew it was the McCall pack. I unlocked the black room and dragged Malia out by her hair she was still unconscious so she didn't scream and gain attention. I was running down the corridor until I got into the room where Malia and Derek used to be in (when they were tied to the chairs) when all the doors shut and the lights flicked on. Once my eyes had adjusted to the bright light I saw what stood before me. I was trapped! The McCall pack surrounded me. "Let her go and no body dies!" Scott growled. "And why would I do that" I sneered. I could see the two betas ready to lunge at me so I grabbed Malia and held my claws near her neck. She had woken up at the sound of the true alpha's growl. "Take a single step forward and I slit her throat" I said. Everyone immediately took a step back, oh yes I now had the upper hand. There was only a few minutes left until the moon reaches its highest point all I had to do was stall the pack for a few more minutes.

The moon was now at its peak Malia was stood in front of me facing the pack I quickly spun her around so that she was facing me and then I stuck my claws into her abdomen.

Scott's P.O.V

My heart melted at the sight of how beaten and weak Malia was as she stood limp in Theo's arms. Why does she always have to be so reckless and protective? It killing her and its killing me! My mind immediately flicked back to the day she was in the hospital after the incident with her and Isaac. That smile she had on her face when we both said 'I love you' man I love that smile, god I would give anything to see that smile just one more time.

As soon as Theo tuck his claws into Malia's stomach Lydia screamed out Malia's name. I began to panic because that scream meant one thing and one thing only Malia was going to die!

I grabbed the jar of talons out of Stiles' hand and shouted "Malia catch" as I threw the jar towards her. She caught it in one hand and smashed the glass of the jar with her claws. She then put the talons on her claws and stuck her hand into Theo's stomach, she growled as her eyes flashed the brightest blue I had ever seen. All of a sudden a hole sucked Theo into the ground and Malia collapsed. I ran to her side and checked for her pulse but I couldn't find it. "No!" I shouted, holding onto her tightly. "Scott come on we've got to go Derek has a cure" I heard someone say as they dragged me away from Lia. All of a sudden I heard the sound of glass smashing, then there was a hissing sound and then ... silence. "What happened?" I asked no one in particular, but I got no answer.

Then the door heading into the room we were just in swung open and there stood Malia, my Malia, alive and well. I smiled, ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "Don't you ever leave me like that again!" I said desperately once we pulled away, "Never" she replied before crashing her lips onto mine. "I love you" I said once we pulled away, "I love you more" she replied and with that I pulled her into another tight hug, not willing to let go.

Eventually Lia let go of me after what felt like an eternity, and crashed into Stiles and Liam. Tears were now running down everyone's cheeks. One by one each member of the pack received a hug form Malia and then she got to Derek. They hugged each other for just a little longer than the rest of us. "Why would you do that Malia I was worried sick" Derek said, "I did it because I am a protector and I trusted that you would bring the pack and save me and that is exactly what you did. Can't you see? I trust you with my life Uncle Derek" Lia replied. They both embraced each other once more and then we made our way outside. Derek went back to his loft and the rest of us went back to mine. We sat in the living room and we watched the whole Fast and Furious series for Lia, even Stiles sat and watched it without fidgeting. The tension from yesterday was all gone and all that was left was serenity and love for one another. Lia sat on my lap while we watched the movies one by one, my arms fell to her waist and I held her tightly. I was definitely not planning on letting her go any time soon.

After everyone was asleep I took Lia upstairsand put her down on my bed I then took of her torn clothes and replaced themwith one of my shirts, I then tucked her in and headed for my bedroom door whenI heard, "Baby?" I turned around and faced Lia, she looked so peaceful. "Yeah?"I replied, as I walked up to her and sat next to her. "How did you find me?"she asked, "Kylie" I said. She smiled and then turned back to sleep. I wasabout to get up when she said, "Will you stay with me, I feel safe when I'mnext to you" I smiled proudly, and then replied "Always" and then crawled intobed next to her, I put my arm around her waist and let her snuggle against mychest. "I love you" I said quietly. "I know, I'm so lucky to call you mineScott McCall" she replied, I smiled and lay a soft kiss on her forehead as shesighed contently. "No, I'm so lucky to call you mine Malia Dunbar" I repliedsoftly as she drifted off to sleep. I lay listening to her steady heartbeat as I thought about how perfect life was now, Malia was back and safe and the deadpool was over, and it is Christmas break in a week which means 2 weeks for just me and Lia. No Theo, no deadpool, no professional murderers, just me, Lia and the pack.


hey thank you guys so much for all the love and support for this story xxx 

i'm rlly sad that its over now but i am continuing my other story and i am going make a book of scalia and stalia one shots an a bit 

i have a busy week ahead of me full of assessments but i will put my new story up when i can and i may write a sequel to this maybe idk we'll see xxx 

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