The Gentle Kunoichi

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Chapter Two

Her lips parted to speak yet no sound escaped the confinements of her throat nor mouth as her lilac eyes strayed towards the ninken who whined at her situation, his mouth in a worried frown with his squinted eyes giving a 'should-you-really-tell-them' look at the gentle Hyūga. Before she could speak, a loud feminine voice rumbled like thunder at the silent air among them, "Finnick!" The bronze-haired male looked up at his name being called and his eyes widened at the female figure walking towards them in long strides. "Johanna!" He called back with his body already striding towards the figure that called him in demand as his sea-foam green eyes brightened with relief and joy. Akamaru stood up fully now with his attention fully resting on the twenty-four-year old male that was now conversing with the loud female. As Hinata neared with Akamaru by her side, Katniss and Peeta, she noticed two others that were with the loud woman as said woman was smirking at Finnick. By how the woman acted, Hinata was pained as she thought about a jonin kunoichi who acted just the same as that woman, a jonin who taught Hinata everything she knew about interrogating and helped her gain her confidence.

Anko Mitarashi of Konohagakure.

She forced back her emotions when she felt the sharp burning sensation in her eyes make itself known to her and instead focused on the topic they were discussing about without her. Back then, she would have been sulking in the background for being ignored and would have drowned in her own self-pity. But now, she didn't care if people ignored her prescence and she didn't drown in her self-pity and sorrow.

She just stood silently at the sidelines.

She didn't like being under the spotlight like her bright crush did nor like his love interest which was his female teammate. She prefered to be in the sidelines and watch others shine before she, herself, could shine. And boy would she shine brighter than any star and sun and will not live up to her birth name. She will not be a stone-cold and heartless Hyūga. She would be what she always dreamed to be.

Kind like her mother yet strong like her father.

That's what she strived to be and if her clan didn't like it, then screw them! They can bitch about it however they like, she didn't care.

At all.

"So who's the blind girl and mutt?" The woman who reminded her of Anko asked harshly and Hinata swore she felt jealousy drip from her voice like venom. She heard Akamaru growl not at the insult towards him, but to the insult towards her that escaped the woman's mouth. Yet, she just stood there with a blank expression as the woman insulted her, knowing fully well that with a single Jūken strike at the lower back will leave the woman vulnerable for everyone and knowing the situation so far, she doubted the woman wanted that. "First of all, she isn't blind. Her name's Hinata and that's her dog, Akamaru. Second, she saved all three of us when she could have just left us! She even healed us from the poison the mist was filled with." Katniss nearly hissed, her piercing grey eyes sharpened with an icy glare as it landed on Johanna. Peeta placed a hand on her shoulder, a silent warning to not go off and to cool down, as Hinata kept a growling Akamaru at bay. Thank Kami Kiba nor Shino are here, she inwardly sighed in relief, knowing her teammates would already have torn the woman to shreds and burned her with a large and powerful Katon justu. Johanna snorted and snarkly replied, "At least I got you fucking Nuts and Volts!" as she sharply pointed to the male and female behind her who were looking at Hinata and Akamaru with interest. Their stares combined with the four talking about her and giving her their full attention made Hinata shift uncomfortably in her spot with her eyes downcast. Their argument grew louder, never noticing the ground beginning to shift underneath and all around them, yet Hinata noticed and opened her mouth to warn them, "A-ano-" "And look, she stutters!" Johanna growled as she glared at Katniss and Peeta while Finnick frowned in disappointment at the District Seven victor. Hinata tried again, "Guys, the ground's-" "Yes, weak bitch, the ground's very pretty." Johanna, once again, cut her off as she scrunched up her nose in disgust at the kunoichi. Hinata gave up and signalled Akamaru to chanel chakra onto the ground so he could stick onto it as she did the same.

The ground began to spin.

The six collapsed as the ground spun faster and faster below them and Hinata watched as they struggled to hold on and keep steady. Her waist-long indigo hair whipped behind her as her eyes were casted upon the six worriedly. She inwardly groaned, why couldn't she just be like Sasuke-san or Neji-niisan and not care at all?! She sighed and held out her hands toward them as water sprayed gently onto her exposed skin. "Chakura Moji Retsu (Chakra String)!" Each of her fingertips glowed lavender and built up, growing brighter, until they began to shoot out needle-like long appendages to each of them, wrapping around their waists in a warm embrace. "Wiress!" The man shouted out in horror as his arms frantically reached for the deeply bleeding woman whose eyes were wide with shock yet brimmed with a chilling calmness that even made Hinata shiver in fright. Even if Hinata or Akamaru caught her in time, the gentle kunoichi knew that most of her vitals were injured-deeply-and she wouldn't have enough chakra to heal them. So, she left her to die and as she did so, a burning sensation built up from her stomach as one sentiment filled her very petite being.


Maybe if I was Sasuke-san or Neji-niisan...I would have saved her without a thought...

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