The Bloodied Firefly Within A Bombing

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Chapter Six:

The first thing Hotaru felt was the stabbing pain of her side and deeply wounded leg. She hissed in agony and weakly stood, sounds of screaming and explosions ringing in the air, as her golden eyes flickered everywhere as if scanning her surroundings. She was met with a large grey-dusted white manor that was in flames and sensed people inside. She cursed and quickly shushined in a swirl of gold dust, reappearing before a blonde girl the same age as her Hyūga friend hugging her father and sickly pale mother. The father noticed the bloodied Hotaru and pleaded with hope in his eyes, " my baby girl. She still has so much ahead of her; please let her have her future." She revealed nor spoke nothing for a moment before nodding and gently prying the blonde girl from her parents which made the girl cry out, her arms desparately reaching for them with tears welling up in her ocean blue eyes. The girl accidently hit Hotaru's bleeding side which made said girl hiss in pain, the wound bleeding more, and in barely kept in irritation, she knocked out the struggling girl and threw her over her shoulder in one fluid motion. She nodded at the girl's parents before shushining away from the house and parents so they could meet their fiery doom with no regrets and smiles on their faces, knowing that their daughter will be safe.

She reappeared in what she could describe as the poor part of the district. A loud blast screamed and Hotaru looked over her body-free shoulder to see the girl's home crash down without remorse into the ground in debris and rumble. She looked away and limped towards a torn down fence that held a meadow behind it which held an immense amount of people. She went through the fence and silently made her way towards the group, a trail of crimson crawling behind her as it coated the dead grass in haunting colors. A blonde girl of thirteen noticed her limping figure first and gasped at the sight of her bloodied form, "Oh my God!" before running over to check on the unconcious girl on her shoulder then her herself. A blonde woman-who she assumed was the little girl's mother-joined the little girl's side and started to check up on the slightly pale Hotaru who tensed her very injured body, expecting an attack from someone as her gold eyes flickered everywhere. Well, she did just face war in the face so no one could blame her. "What's your name?" The blonde woman asked as she did the best she could in bandaging Hotaru's side. "Hotaru," She grunted as she grabbed, with her bloodied hand, the broken blade that was impaled in her thigh. She took three deep breaths before yanking out the long blade from her thigh, a silent shriek of pain escaping her mouth and she swayed from the now immensely bleeding wound. The blonde woman quickly bandaged her thigh with some cloth of her shirt as Hotaru threw the blade down onto the dirt, her ears ringing from all the explosions she have faced. "Okay, Hotaru, Im Mrs. Everdeen. Do you think you can walk?" The woman ended with a question yet before she could answer, she felt a pair of strong, firm arms wrap around her and lift her up. She was pressed against a firm chest and the scent of smoked applewood and forest pine entered her nostrils. Her vision blurred as a deep, smooth voice reassured, "I'll carry her, Mrs. Everdeen, she looks like she's about to die on her feet." Her vision darkened and the last thing she heard was the same voice telling everyone to move out.

Gale didn't know why he was carrying this girl covered in blood, head to toe as a matter of fact, even Posy was curious in why he decided to carry the oddly orange-haired girl instead of Madge Undersee. Gale had shrugged and said that the girl in his arms right now was close to going away forever and he didn't want that. Posy had made an 'ooh!' face before excitedly talking with Vick who entertained her for their trek. He took this time to study the bloodied girl in his arms. Hair the shade of a sunset cascading down to her chest with slightly tanned skin along with-dare he say it-lucious and thick lips that were coated with her blood and a curvy hourglass figure. She wore a faded hunter green vest which held lots of pockets over a long sleeved indigo shirt with matching slacks and black sandals. Tied on her forehead was a black clothed headband thing that had a stainless steeled plate stitched into it which held an engraving of a weird symbol. And tied to her right thigh was a beige holestor along with some tape which he didn't know why she had put it there. But, he knew that behind those eyelids were beautiful glowing molten gold eyes. Which he considered odd but, once you see Capitol don't consider this consider this plain stupid. But, he said to himself, this looks natural. He looked away from the girl that was one year his junior, only to see an aircraft land in front of the group. A man stepped out of the aircraft in fully black uniform with a mockingjay stitching on the right bicep and explained everything. Gale was left in shock. District real? He now sat inside the aircraft where they were going to ship them to Thirteen. He felt his eyes stray towards the unconcious sunset-haired girl who was laying down on a flat steel bed and sighed softly. He had a feeling that he was going to have to explain what was happening right now to the bloodied firefly within the bombing.

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