The Firefly Bathed in Blood

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Chapter Three:

She dove from another attack, black tendrils breaking the ground without remorse before retracting back towards its owner. Her thick lips coated in blood-her blood-parted as she took silent, deep breaths, careful not to alert the beast of her temporarily safe location behind a cracked bronze boulder. Her sunset orange hair brushed her heaving chest with her bright-practically glowing-gold eyes flickering everywere in search for escape routes. Her arm was holding her side, crimson burning her skin with a silent hiss, with her left thigh impaled in a stainless steel blade that was broken from the top...her doing. She glanced over to her right to see a couple of white Zetsu sneak up towards the unaware Yamanaka female who was currently healing-to the best of her ability-her Akimichi teammate. She cursed silently and took a couple of deep breaths before running as best she can towards the two without being noticed by both parties. She took a deep breath before exhaling a mighty stream of molten gold colored fire at the white Zetsus. She watched with grim satisfaction as they melted like butter, getting the attention of the blonde female. She gasped, her robin egg blue eyes widening in shock, "H-Hotaru!" Said female grunted in reply, holding her hand out to the side. Immediately, a golden glow eminated from her palm and outward like a ripple of water, blocking a fatal attack from the Jūbi. The golden glass cracked slightly as more force was placed upon it, desparately trying to break through it so it could eliminate the three on the other side of the glass. "Ino, you need to take Chouji and go." She said, her voice chillingly warm and lighter than a cold feather breeze in a summer night. "B-but Hotaru, you're-" "Go!" She ordered coldly, her usually warm gold eyes colder than dry ice as they stabbed her protesting gaze without emotion. Ino frowned yet lifted Chouji and left as quickly as she could without looking back, knowing that if she looked, then she would break down...and that wasn't acceptable in war. She still felt her cold, deadly gaze upon her even when she made it to a small group of medic-nins who could help her with her Akimichi teammate. She looked back to meet the back of the orange-haired girl and didn't stop the crystal tears that rolled down her cheeks.


She turned her cold golden gaze towards the ten-tailed beast to find its single blood red, black tomoe splattered eye gazing upon hers intently. Suddenly, she heard a deep, rumbling voice echo in her head like furious thunder,

"You are a strange girl,"

She snorted inwardly with her forcefield cracking more under the force of its tendrils pressing against it.

"You aren't the first to think so,"

She heard it chuckle in her head and questioned it as its tendrils retracted only for it to swish around its body like smoke. Even when they were swishing around it, she didn't let down her guard nor her forcefield that she was slowly repairing with chakra.

"Why did you do that?"

It was silent for a while and she felt everyone's eyes on her as she stared down with the Jūbi.

"What? Retract my tails? Because it's quite rude to start a conversation with someone underneath your tail, don't you think?"

She sweatdropped at its statement, never in a million years would she think that a powerful beast such as the Jūbi would think that it was rude to have someone underneath its tail to start a conversation when just seconds before it tried to kill her.

"Um, yeah?"

She uncertainly replied to the beast who looked around the battlefield filled with flesh, gore, and lots and lots of blood scattered along the grounds that surrounded them. It grunted in approval of her unsure answer and she, although almost out of chakra, sent a wave of chakra onto the ground and furrowed her eyebrows in worry when she didn't sense Hinata's signature nor body anywhere on the grounds. Where is she? She worriedly asked herself as her eyes slightly strayed from the beast for one second before returning back to the beast.

"The Hyūga Heiress has gone to a different dimension I believe from the Uchiha's attack. I have the power to send you into that dimension as well."

She let her eyes widen at the proclamation of the Jūbi, her shock numbing her very being, until rudely being shaken out of it by an attack from the Jūbi, its tendrils slamming into her forcefield. She grunted as cracks formed deeper and faster than before. Shit! She cursed as it once again slammed into the forcefield, this time, breaking through and making the blade in her thigh slide in deeper. She cried out and dodged the other tendrils that slammed down.

"Quickly now! Im loosing control of my body! When another tail slams down, grab it!"

She nodded and once the tail slammed down dangerously close to her, she grabbed it and once she did, she felt a burning sensation spread through her like a cobra's venom. She bit back an agonized scream that threatened to rip out of her throat and allowed the chakra of the being spread through her.

"Be safe and find tranquility in the dimension!"

Was the only thing she heard before everything went black, sending her into eternal oblivion. To the ones watching would have described the sight a glowing firefly dim its glow as it sunk into cruel darkness, bathed in blood of its own and others.

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