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Chapter Seven:

She groaned, her eyes fluttering open painfully, as pink pouty lips parted to release a yawn while lithe arms pushed her body up into a sitting position. What happened? She asked herself as her eyes took in the painfully bright white room she recided in, her dainty hands resting on her lap delicately. She shifted her eyes downward to look at her lap, fidgeting with her hands in thought. All I remember was Katniss firing the arrow, lightning striking a tree, an explosion, and... She halted, her eyes widening as she recalled the chillingly warm chakra signature that coursed through her during the explosion.

And feeling Hotaru's chakra...

Her state of shock slowly shifted into a state of joy, her eyes bright and lips pulled into a joyous grin, creating a beautiful sight for anyone watching the gentle kunoichi. She heard the door open and looked up, expecting a nurse or doctor to tell her when she should leave, only to get tackled by a white blur. She let out a huff of air as she felt a rough tongue slid up her cheek repeatedly, leaving a trail of saliva on her skin. She giggled when the revealed Akamaru nuzzled her neck then cheek then stomach in the sheer sign that he was glad she was okay. Finnick, followed by Katniss, walked inside, laughing at Akamaru who was glomping Hinata at the moment with his tail wagging back and forth viciously. "Akamaru!" Katniss laughed, "Hinata barely woke up! You should let her get a break!" Akamaru whined at Katniss' statement, his face morphing into the famed 'puppy-dog face', hoping for the Everdeen to let this slide. He was greatly disappointed when Katniss didn't look fazed by his look with only one eyebrow raised in amusement. Akamaru huffed through his nose and laid down with his head on Hinata's lap, making Finnick chuckle as he made his way towards Hinata. "How're you feeling?" He asked, concern shining brightly in his sea-foam green eyes. She felt her cheeks begin to get dusted in a dark pink color at the sight of a handsome man like Finnick giving all of his attention to her. "I-I'm fine, Finnick, thank y-you for w-worrying." She got out with a shy smile upon her lips. Finnick was about to reply when a loud crash shook the grounds, making Hinata activate her Byakugan right away. She gasped-but then giggled-when she saw a girl one year her senior cackle darkly with a tall eight year old boy by her side, laughing along, as a tall teenage boy glared at the two with his hair a neon pink. She deactivated her Byakugan and giggled some more while explaining, "Hotaru-chan has pulled a prank on a tall teenage boy." A swirl of gold dust appeared and dispersed to reveal an eighteen-year-old girl. She had chest long sunset orange hair with practically glowing molten gold eyes along with thick, lucious, petally pink lips and slightly tanned skin all in a heart-shaped face...and a fully curved hourglass figure with long legs. She wore a form fitting hazy, dull grey shirt with a matching dull grey knee long flowing skirt and black zori. She stood at 5'7, close to 5'8 as a matter of fact. Hinata quickly got off of her bed and ran towards the girl, throwing her arms around the girl who blinked in surprise then chuckled as she wrapped her arms around the gentle kunoichi. "Ohaiyo Chibi-hime (Hello, Mini Princess)." Hinata pouted slightly at the sound of her nickname being said. "Hotaru-chan!" Hinata whined, adding emphasis in the sadistic kunoichi's honorific which made her grin. "Yes? My little wittle itty bitty Chibi-hime?" Hotaru asked as if she were talking to a baby while lightly pinching Hinata's cheeks as she puffed out her own which made Hinata blush crimson in embarrassment. As Hotaru was babying Hinata, Finnick was deep in thought. Im glad Hinata is better, he mused as he glanced at the embarrassed Hyūga. He smiled, she's so cute when she's embarrassed. He stopped, his eyes widening at the thought as he brought them towards the Hyūga Heiress who was currently rubbing her red and sore cheeks with a pout on her beautiful pink lips-wait...did he just say Hinata's lips were beautiful? He chuckled when Akamaru glomped Hotaru, making her fall onto the floor with a huff of air escaping her chest, and Hinata went into a fit of giggles, her lilac eyes bright with laughter as a grin slipped onto her lips in which replaced the pout. He felt a nudge to his side and he glanced over to see Katniss looking at him with question and slight amusement. "Has someone gotten the sex symbol of Panem distracted?" She teased with a mischevious smirk on her lips, her grey eyes matching her smirk, which made Finnick give a lady-killer smirk. "There's a bed here..." He huskily whispered, making Katniss laugh as she lightly pushed his shoulder, "Such a player, Odair!" He grinned, placing the thoughts of what he thought of Hinata at the back of his mind as he and Katniss teased each other with Hinata, Hotaru, and Akamaru having their little reunion.

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