Hotaru no Hikari

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Chapter Twelve:

Hotaru easily dodged a bullet coming her way, her golden eyes glowing with calculations of complex scenerios and glowing coldness, her true personality shining through like a beautifully forged blade. She flicked her wrist and three men in white fell lifelessly with very thin poisoned senbon pinching their jugular artery with deadly precision. Static sounds echoed in her ear before a voice informed, "Hunter to Firefly, we're moving underground the into sewer lines. Meet us there, over." She lifted her hand to gently press on the button of the earpiece and replied, "Roger that, over." She let her hand fall to her side and looked for Hinata's chakra signature before shushining in a swirl of gold, reappearing next to Hinata who was unfazed by her sudden appearance. The others? Not so much... "Fucking Christ, Hotaru! You're gonna make me shit bricks!" Hotaru rolled her gold eyes before saying in a freezing cold, stern voice, "We need to rest right here for a few hours. Hinata, Gale, Katniss, Finnick, and I will keep watch until then." The mentioned four nodded in confirmation as Akamaru barked as well. Faced with all the coldness of the golden-eyed kunoichi made them do as she said and slept with Hinata and Katniss taking watch first. Hotaru laid down next to Akamaru who laid beside Hinata and next to Gale who was already sleeping. Peeta, hand cuffed, was dozing off as well, falling surrender into deep slumber. Hinata and Katniss were silent, falling into a companionable silence, focusing on their roles as of now.


She looked up, scanning the sleeping group, before letting her eyes land on Peeta. She blinked when it wasn't him whispering her name.


Now, Katniss lifted her bow and arrow, signalling Hinata to activate her Byakugan. Hinata silently gasped, her eyes widening in horror. She said the one thing Katniss was afraid of happening,

"Lizard Mutts,"

"EVERYBODY RUN!!" Katniss scream woke up everyone and following her command, ran for the nearest exit with them following. The stench of blood and roses filled her nostrils and disgusted by it, she choked slightly. "Everyone put on your gas masks!" Boggs ordered, placing on his own as he did so. Hotaru was running next to Akamaru who held Peeta. She didn't even bother with the gas mask. If it was poison, she was immune to it so it didn't bother her the slightest.


The Lizard Mutts hissed loudly, quickly crawling towards the running group with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth ready to tear into flesh. Finally reaching the exit out of the sewers, the climbed one by one as Katniss and Finnick covered for them until it was just the two of them. "Go, Katniss, I've got you covered." He said as he stabbed his trident into one of the mutts' heads befor yanking it out. Katniss frowned and opened her mouth to protest, "Finnick-" "Go now...and tell Hinata I love her." Finnick ended sadly, his sea-foam green eyes downcasted as he continued to fight. Katniss' eyes glazed over with tears before nodding and climbing out of the sewer. She flinched violently when she heard his agonized scream of pain as he was bitten on his left calf. Gale helped her up as she kept her eyes down at the sewer she just exited from. Hotaru saw this and made her decision, walking up towards Gale. She tapped his shoulder and once she got his attention, she grabbed his face and pulled it towards hers in a kiss, pouring all of her feelings into it, before pulling back and snatching the bomb from Katniss' arms. She jumped down into the sewer and kicked a mutt from killing Finnick. His eyes widened. "Hotaru?" "Finnick," She grinned before grabbing him by the collar and throwing him up and out of the sewer line. She threw the bomb at one mutt with her nose scrunched up in distaste, proclaiming the bomb plain and simple. "I'd rather go out with something that could be described as a..." She grinned with sadistic glee and hints of insanity. Her eyes widened as she roared with dark laughter, a golden aura surrounding her like gentle flames in a campfire, the mutts burning when they clasped their teeth into her body.


The golden aura brightened and surrounded her before exploding outwards, igniting the bomb in the process, as she heard the voices of Hinata and Gale screaming her name. The group covered their eyes and looked away as the bright golden light flashed before them like lightning and the ground rumbled from the sheer force of the explosion. And as the golden light faded, fireflies swarmed out of the sewer exit hole, glistening gold and sunset orange against the blackened sky. Hinata cried into Finnick's shoulder, his arms encircling her in an embrace as he comforted her with Akamaru joining in by placing his head on her lap. Gale silently fell to his knees, his eyes downcast with shock, sorrow, and hurt, as his dark brown hair created a shadow over his features.

"Well, well, well, it seems to me that you lost your best friend, Hyūga."

A dark and sinister voice mocked, making Hinata look up in horror, tears running down her cheeks, as she saw the one man she didn't want to see at this moment. Dark purple surrounded him in a giant's persona, giant sword and shield in all six arms, as it glared down at her. She whispered the name with her voice heavy with what that name weighed so much malice and strength,


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