The Power of Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:

She watched with horror and dread as a massive fireball from the Jūbi headed their way, the sheer force of the fireball blowing her hair back as its scorching heat neared them. She embraced Akamaru, shifting so she was above Akamaru and her back facing the fireball. She closed her eyes, waiting for the end to come claim her as her life flashed before her eyes in images. Gomenasai Ino, she thought when an image of a brightly grinning Ino flashed before her, gomenasai Shikamaru, an image of the lazily smirking Nara appeared, gomenasai Chouji, an image of the kind Akimichi appeared with him cooking a bar-b-que with herself helping, gomenasai Lee, an image of the hyperactive green wearing shinobi appeared giving a nice guy pose, gomenasai Tenten, an image of the weapons mistress appeared polishing kunai, gomenasai Neji-niisan, an image of the Hyūga appeared giving her a proud smile, gomenasai Sakura, an image of the pinkette healer appeared healing a patient with herself helping her, gomenasai Sai, an image of the artistic shinobi appeared fakily smiling at her while holding a sketchbook in his hands, gomenasai Kiba, an image of the Inuzuka appeared sheepishly grinning at her when she scolded him after he pranked Shino, gomenasai Shino, an image of the Aburame appeared handing her a turquiose-winged butterfly gently for her birthday, gomenasai Kurenai-sensei, an image of the genjustu mistress appeared giving her a motherly smile after her match against Neji, gomenasai Naruto, an image of the blonde appeared giving her a bright smile with his cerulean blue eyes bright with joy, but she was surprised when she felt sibling love towards him instead of actual love. Suddenly, an image of Finnick appeared giving her a joyous smile then another image appeared giving her a gentle, soft smile before another image appeared teasing her jokingly. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she felt the scorching heat just mere inches away from her. Im sorry, Finnick, I love you...She prepared to experience the hellish heat from the fireball, but only felt strong, warm arms wrap around her and then wind whip around her. She opened her eyes and looked up to meet concerned cerulean blue eyes shining through a curtain of gold. She gasped out as she took in his glowing features,


He grinned at her and pumped chakra into her, filling her up completely, as he set her down gently. Akamaru got out of her embrace and tackled Naruto, licking his face twice before getting off of him. She looked around and that's when she really gasped. Right in front of her was all her friends and even...


She tackled Neji in an embrace, burying her face into his shoulder as she felt his arms wrap around her in a hug. "I'm glad you're okay, Hinata-sama." Was his reply as he hugged her. They pulled back and Hinata smiled at all of them with them returing her smile with smiles of their own and even grins. "Where's Hotaru?" Her smile fell at the question, her eyes dimming in sadness. She opened her mouth to respond that the kunoichi wasn't with her when no sound came out of the confinements of her mouth. Naruto turned serious as he faced the two antagonists of this war. "Let's win this...for Hotaru." She looked up in shock at the blonde until Kiba nodded, "For Hotaru." Shino agreed, "For Hotaru." Sakura grinned as she punched her fist into her palm, "For Hotaru-chan!" Sasuke smirked as a slightly dark lavender aura surrounded him, "For Hotaru." Sai took out his ninjato as his sealing scroll was strapped to his back, "For Sadist." Ino took out a kunai as she grinned brightly, "For 'Taru-chan!" Shikamaru yawned as he placed his hands in his pockets, a lazy smirk on his features, "For our Firefly." Chouji smiled with his eyes closed, "For Hotaru." Tenten held out her scroll full of weapons, a smile on her lips, "For Hotaru-chan." Neji slid into his Jūken stance, a smirk on his lips, "For Hotaru." Lee grinned joyously as he gave a nice guy pose, "For our Youthful Firefly!" Hinata's look of shock broke into a bright smile as she said, her eyes glowing with the Byakugan, "For Hotaru-chan!" They all charged in their team formations with Team Seven going first. Sai quickly drew out ten lions and made the ram handsign, watching as they formed, bursting out of his scroll. Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke sat on three lions and charged with Sakura's fist glowing blue, Sasuke's hand glowing with pale blue lightning, and Naruto's hand holding a large ball of blue chakra with wind slashing furiously around it to form a shuriken shape. "Team Seven's Assaulting Barrage!" The four chorused as they performed their attacks onto the Jūbi, forcing it to lean back slightly. Then, it was Team Eight's turn. They grasped each others hands and jumped with Akamaru above Hinata and they spun, creating a large drilling tornado the colors of lavender, storm grey, and fresh soil brown as blue chakra needles decorated the second layer of the tornado and a black mass-revealed to be kikachu-was the first layer. "Hakke Gatsūgamushi (Eight Trigrams Insect Over Fang)!" Team Eight chorused as the massive drilling tornado drilled into the Jūbi, cutting its chakra pathways and destroying them recklessly, making the mighty beast roar in agony and anger. From above, Team Nine was back-to-back, linking arms as bandages began to encircle them while Tenten had kunai and shuriken following their lead. "Sōgu Omote Renge: Hakkeshō Kaiten (Manipulated Tools Frontal Lotus: Heavenly Spin)!" They chorused as they began to spin rapidly, blue chakra surrounding them as the kunai and shuriken acted like a second layer to the collaboration technique. They impacted the Jūbi and Madara, damaging them more so than before as the kunai and shuriken cut through them. Lastly was Team Ten. Chouji expanded so he was the same size as the Jūbi as Shikamaru's shadow attached itself on Chouji's enlarged shadow with Ino performing her clan justu on Chouji. Chouji's eyes became dead white as his skin darkened into the darkest abyss, his long spiky hair bleeding into crimson as his teeth grew and sharpened into shark teeth. "InoShikaCho: Yami no Ikimono (InoShikaCho: Creature of Darkness)!" Demon Chouji roared a demonic roar before slashing the Jūbi with his large dark green talons, drawing out black liquid from the beast and a pained screech. Demon Chouji pushed the Jūbi down and held it down, tearing off its tendrils with his talons, while Naruto and Sasuke fought Madara, using their rivalling teamwork against the founder of the Uchiha. Buildings crumbled down as the two massive beings fought, making it hard for soliders and medics on ground to dodge everything descending upon them. During all of this, bombs began to descend as well, with one of them heading towards President Snow's mansion. Katniss screamed in horror when she saw Prim and Madge there, healing injured ones with the medical expertise Hinata and their mother funded into her.


Prim and Madge looked up just as the bomb landed, making the ground burst with oranges, yellows, and reds as screams of agony echoed throughout the atmosphere. Katniss screamed and sobbed as Gale held her back from running into the dancing flames in search for her only sister and friend. "NO!" She screamed as tears rolled down her cheeks, her heart clenching painfully as her head bowed down in sorrow. She fell to her knees in defeat, an empty shell of her former self, as her piercing light grey eyes lost their spark...their light. Suddenly, a pair of arms embraced her and the familiar scent of freshly baked bread brought her eyes to look up in shock, her chapped lips parted.


He gave a small smile and looked over his shoulder. "Look," She did so and when she did, she saw dust and debris obscuring her view. The dust slowly settled to unmask shimmering gold blocking everything that came at its way. Inside was Madge holding Prim tightly against her with eyes closed as if awaiting for their end to descend upon them and snatch them away for eternity. She gasped, then that means...! She looked up to see a glowing gold light expand onto the blackened skies that flashed with colors of dull gold, pale blue, soft lavender, storm grey, fresh soil brown, hazy blue, healthy grass green and silver. Her face broke into a grin as the others in the group gasped.

" crazy son-of-a-bitch."

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