The Firefly's True Glow

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"Bring me your enemies

Lay them before me

And walk away!


Could you shine your light

Now I know your ways

'Cause they're just like mine..."

-Firefly by Breaking Benjamin

Chapter Fifteen:

She smiled as she watched her surrogate little sister fight gracefully and powerfully against the Uchiha, her eyes narrowed in concentration as her eyes glowed with the Byakugan. She sat on the ladder's first three steps, her clothes torn into nothing, leaving her in her black sports bra and her pants that were now mid-thigh shorts and was barefoot. A dark pink scar started on her left collarbone and went down all the way to the middle of her lower back. On her right bicep was a red ANBU tattoo with it in the form of a dragon, its glowing grass green eyes glaring at the viewer as its mouth was wide open in a roar, its claw stretched outward. The sight of her revealed figure would have made Gale grow crimson before fainting after taking in her fully curved hourglass figure and large cleavage. No one noticed her yet so she took this time to watch how Hinata grew. She smirked in pride when Hinata managed to get praise from Madara and managed to defeat him, but quickly frowned when not only him, but the Jūbi reappeared. She saw Finnick about to run to help Hinata and saw Gale hold him back, making a furious Finnick glare heatedly at him. "Look," Gale started, "I know you want to help Hinata...hell, I want to help her, but I don't because Im no match for that dude. Im not even a match for Hotaru-" His voice cracked when he said her name, "-but Hotaru goes easy on me. That guy-" He jerks a thumb to the man on the beast's head, "-won't go easy on me and will have me down before I could even think about taking a step. Hinata has Akamaru with her and by the looks of it...she'll defeat them. I trust her. Do you trust her?" He paused, his eyes conflicting on what to say. "What would....what would Hotaru say?" He asked quietly, facing the ground and Hotaru could see the pain, loss, and most of all one emotion that caused her for her eyes to dim in sorrow:

Love. Love for her.

Finnick gulped and looked down before backing down. "She would have said that it was their fight...not ours." Finnick answered after a moment of silence between them. "Exactly, all you could do for Hinata is to-this is gonna sound cheesy but-believe in her." Gale supplied and Hotaru smiled until she froze, feeling their chakra signatures. She looked over to see all of her friends: Naruto, Sai, Sakura, Shikamaru, Chouji, Ino, Kiba, Shino, Tenten, Lee, even Neji and Sasuke. Minna (Everyone)... She thought as she looked at them in shock. Her shock grew when she heard everyone chorus that their victory would be dedicated to her...her as in Hotaru! She watched as everyone fought using their collaboration techniques with Team Eight's being the strongest. When Team Ten used their collaboration technique, she saw buildings crumble and descend onto soliders and civilians. She cursed when she saw Madge and Prim there. Hotaru shushined in front of them and formed a forcefield with them inside before shushining twenty-three feet above the dazed Jūbi. A golden aura started to surround her and expanded outward, shining brighter and brighter as it went. Her hair flowed around her as if she were underwater with her now pupil-less, whiteless eyes glowing bright gold, reseambling sunlight. She closed her eyes and sighed, "Raiton: Hotaru no Mai (Lightning Style: Dance of The Fireflies)." as she dived head on towards the dazed beast. The aura around her flickered into pure gold lightning and if looked closely, tiny fireflies danced rapidly, as she twirled elegantly from the stabbing abyssal tendrils, just waiting to sink past her skin and into her flesh. She was now faced with the Jūbi's eye and it seemed as if time slowed for them with the Jūbi's calculating eye watching the firefly's every move as said firefly let her lips curl into a dark smirk.

"Raiton: Hotaru no Rirīsu (Lightning Style: Release of The Fireflies)."

The lightning that surrounded her exploded, embracing the Jūbi in its killing embrace as it screeched in agony, as pure gold light flashed the skies with agonizingly gorgeous mercy which made everyone watching conceal their eyes from the bright and flashy yet deadly technique being formed before them.

Hotaru landed gently on the ground, her messy sunset orange hair now down to her knees as chest long strands of hair brushed her cheeks and face, letting her brightly shining golden eyes glow from a curtain of dark and soft orange. Shimmering gold highlights streaked down her messy orange hair like lightning striking the sunset skies. Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, causing her to look down at the Hyūga heiress. She blinked before loosely wrapping her arms around the crying Hyūga's shoulders, her eyes flickering across her friends. The kunoichi were the first to react, tackling the firefly kunoichi with warm hugs and tears of joy and relief, then the boys reacted by joining in the girls' bear hug. "We're all glad you're okay, Hotaru." Shino said for everyone, his hands in his pockets as his sunglasses gleamed against the peaking sunlight. Hotaru gave a small smile at the Aburame as she heard someone shout, "HOTARU!" making her turn around, only to get tackled by a joyous Finnick. She let out a huff of air as he gave her a bone-crushing hug, picking her up slightly before spinning her, making her let out a yelp in surprise. She then chuckled as he placed her gently on her barefeet, looking over his shoulder to see Katniss and Gale missing. "They assassinated Coin and Snow died." Hotaru rose her eyebrows in mild shock as Finnick answered her unspoken question. Suddenly, a mischevious smirk crossed her features and before Finnick could get away, she grabbed his wrist in a death grip and dragged him over to Hinata who was talking with Sakura, Ino, and Tenten. Quickly, she snatched Hinata from the three kunoichi and made the two kidnapped ones face each other before quickly strolling over to the three kunoichi. "H-hi..." Hinata shyly greeted, her cheeks beginning to be dusted a light red, as she cutely-in Finnick's opinion-shuffled her feet with her lilac eyes peeking up from inky eyelashes, her indigo hair brushing her red cheeks softly. Finnick gave a sheepish grin as he replied just as softly, "Hi..." but ended up as a high squeak which made Hinata giggle. He cleared his throat, his cheeks burning red in embarrassment, as his sea-foam green eyes sparkled like beach jewels underneath the summer sun. "Hinata, I like you, I mean, of course I like you, but not that way-wait! I mean I like like you like I like peanut butter to my jelly-Argh! That's not how it even goes! I really really like you like I like the beach...-FUCKING SHIT!" Hinata giggled loudly at Finnick fumbling over his words, deciding that he looked adorable when he was nervous, as she watched Finnick's cheeks burn crimson. He pouted when he heard her amused laughter, but paused. Wait...actions speak louder than words. He thought with a mischevious smirk and before Hinata could get a hold of herself, he leaned forward and caressed her pink lips with his own, muffling her giggles into nothing, as his mouth molded into hers perfectly. She felt her heart lightly flutter in her chest as a gentle warmth filled her being, her lips curling into a smile as they kissed. She could only process one thought as she let her arms wrap loosely around his neck, letting her hands run through his bronze hair:

Looks like what I really needed was a bronze warrior.

Not far away from the romantic scene, Hotaru smirked triumphantly as Sakura and Ino squealed at Finnick's actions towards Hinata with Naruto smiling, he was glad Hinata was happy with someone...even if it wasn't with himself he was still happy for her. Anyways, he thought, I love someone else, as he let his cerulean blue eyes drift over to the blonde kunoichi. Hotaru's smirk fell when she realized that the war had finally ended...on both worlds which meant...

We have to go back.

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