The Rebellion of Us

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Chapter Eleven:

Weeks have passed since the incident and Katniss and Hinata have grown closer than ever which soon led to the lilac-eyed kunoichi to meet Mrs. Everdeen and little Prim. She taught Prim how to make medical cream and how to notice all the little things, saying that it'll be useful when working with stubborn patients. As of now, Hinata was observing Katniss fire arrow after arrow from her perch on a high tree branch, her lilac eyes watching every move being performed by the huntress. "Hinata?" She looked down to see Katniss with her bow at her side and grey eyes looking up at the Hyūga. Hinata stood up and jumped despite the fourteen foot distance the tree branch was above ground. She landed in front of Katniss, her eyes shining with question and concern, the most famed two emotions throughout the weeks that have passed. "Hai (Yes)?" Hinata asked as she politely looked at the huntress, proper manners shining through. Katniss looked away from Hinata's caring gaze before mumbling softly, "Have you ever killed anyone?" Hinata blinked at the question before sighing softly, "Y-yes." Katniss looked up in shock at the gentle kunoichi which made Hinata dryly chuckle. "I may appear shy, innocent, and gentle, but I have killed before. Even Hotaru and Akamaru." Katniss nodded at this information and silence enveloped them with only the chirping of birds and soft stomps of forest aninals accompaning them. " did you deal with your first?" Katniss hesitantly asked the gentle kunoichi who now fidgeted with the hem of her dull grey blouse uncomfortably. Seeing this, Katniss quickly added, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I was just-" "Fourteen." Katniss blinked at the kunoichi. "What?" Hinata smiled slightly. "I had my first kill when I was fourteen." Katniss' eyes widened in shock as Hinata plopped down onto the ground, motioning for her to sit down with her. She did as she was told and sat in front of the heiress as said heiress sighed. "My team and I had our first mission as chunin and we were excited...but I was anxious also. It was an A-rank mission; the mission objective was to locate a young boy who had been kidnapped by missing nin..."

Flashback: Two Years Ago, Konoha

"Does everyone have everything they need?" Shino-kun asked monotonely as we recided at the main gates of Konoha. Kiba-kun and I nodded in agreement as Akamaru barked in confirmation, his tail wagging back and forth in anticipation. Kiba-kun grinned at the ninken's actions and replied, "We're all set, Shino, now let's go! I can't wait to do this mission!" I giggle at his excitement and couldn't help but feel excited as well yet deep down...I was anxious and felt dread at the same time. Anxious I know because it was our first A-rank, but dread? I've only felt it when I was with the Hyūga. I shuddered inwardly at the mention of my cruel and cold family. If I didn't have Neji-niisan nor Imouto-chan, I would have been exactly like those-what Kiba-kun called-statues: heartless, cruel, cold. I shake those thoughts out of my head just as Shino-kun said, "Let's move out." As one, we traveled through the trees with Kiba-kun riding Akamaru which Shino-kun and I deemed unfair as we had to jump tree branch to tree branch on foot. Kiba-kun had smirked and replied with, "Being an Inuzuka has its perks." before he was hit in the face with Akamaru's saliva. I'm forced into a fit of giggles and even Shino-kun chuckles as Kiba-kun fumed at Akamaru with embarrassment flooding his cheeks in burning red. My Byakugan catches a group of men and I paused, stopping on a tree branch. Seeing this, they stopped as well. "What do you see?" Shino-kun asked as he prepared his business of kikachu for battle while Kiba-kun sat tensely on an equally tensed Akamaru. My enhanced vision saw five missing nin, four chunin and one jonin, with one tied up boy who couldn't be older than seven sitting in the middle with his mouth bounded with duct tape, his eyes wide with fright. "Objective in sight with five men at his three, six, eight, eleven, and twelve o'clock, each within touching range." I informed as my Byakugan allowed me to see the group and Shino-kun who was deep in thought. After a moment of silence, Shino-kun lifted his head slightly, focusing his calculating gaze on Kiba-kun, Akamaru, and I. "This is our form of action: Kiba and I will give out a distraction and Hinata will grab Satoshi-san. We defeat the nin and quickly leave. Is that clear?" Kiba-kun and I blink as we looked at each other in shock before looking back at Shino-kun. This is the first time Shino-kun has ever come up with a simple plan. "Y-you mean like...'smash, grab, and get the fuck outta there'?" Kiba-kun asked with hope and excitement flashing in his slit-pupiled eyes, a fang poking out of his lips. Shino-kun sighed. "Yes, Kiba." "Yahoo!!!" Kiba-kun cheered before charging at the group while following their scent. Shino-kun sighed once more before going after Kiba-kun, silently telling me to take a different route to the group. I nod and shushin, appearing behind a thick shrub as I saw Kiba-kun perform his Tunneling Fang with Akamaru doing the same. Shino-kun, meanwhile, trapped two chunin in a bind with his kikachu crawling on their skin. I took this time to silently sneak through the fighting group and grab Satoshi-san in my arms. Satoshi-san tensed and looked up at me, hazelle eyes flecked with grass green wide, before relaxing as I caressed him like a mother would to her child. He snuggled into my chest as I saw the jonin of the group perform handsigns in rapid speed. "Katon: Kasumi Enbu (Fire Style: Mist Blaze Dance)!" My eyes widened as flammable gas erupted from his mouth and poured towards us. I quickly perform handsigns before stating, "Suiton: Suiryūdan (Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet)!" Above me, a large dragon made of evaporated water formed, its yellow eyes glowing with rage, before roaring and charging at the flammable gas just as the jonin clicked his tongue against his teeth and I made more handsigns. "Suiton: Bakusui Shōha (Water Style: Exploding Water Colliding Wave)!" I converted my chakra into water as I took a deep breath before releasing my water chakra, large waves streaming out of my mouth and towards the incoming fireball. The wild wave doused the flames easily and harshly collided with the jonin, sending him through thick trees. With my Byakugan, I watched as the jonin was impaled by a broken branch and saw his heart immediately stop in a rapid death. My eyes widened in disbelief as Kiba-kun's muffled voice called out, "Hinata! Let's go!" while I felt Shino-kun gently grab my bicep and quickly led me from the scene, Satoshi-san slumbering against my chest peacefully. We left for Konoha and returned Satoshi-san to his parents while filing our report before we departed, separating ways. My mind felt numb and I felt as if I wandered the halls of my home like a dead soul. I hummed whenever someone greeted me with a "Welcome home, Hinata-sama". But once I reached my room, I silently sobbed, covering my face with my knees as I sat on my bed. It wasn't until later when Neji-niisan came to check on me. When he asked why I was crying, he reassured me by saying, "We're shinobi, Hinata-sama, we are tools for our leader yet protectors for our village and precious people. When we took that oath, we pledged to serve our village with dignity and protect it whatever means neccessary. Even if it means taking a life in exchange for a life to go on longer. What you did by protecting yourself and Satoshi-san, was very brave of you. Because of your actions, Satoshi-san is reunited with his family and gets to live on his life, knowing that you saved his life. For this, Im proud of you, Hinata-sama."

Flashback End: Forest Over District 13

Hinata smiled fondly at the mention of her cousin-brother by bond-as she continued with her story, "By his words, I grew out of my grief and self-disgust and became stronger. I know you took lives, Katniss, and as long as you have your friends and family with will be okay." Katniss took all of this new information in before nodding, a smile gracing her lips. "Thanks, Hinata, it's that I've been having nightmares for a year now and this Games made it worse." Katniss explained as she stood up with Hinata standing up as well just as Hotaru appeared before the two. "What's up, Hotaru?" Katniss asked the golden-eyed kunoichi as Hinata smiled in greeting. Hotaru grinned happily. "We're going to finally go!!!" She exclaimed excitedly, "Finally too 'cause it was getting too stuffy underground." She ended with scrunching her nose in disgust. Hinata giggled as the trio went back underground to get everything they needed.

Hotaru moved back and forth on the balls of her feet with excitement written all over her features, barely holding back from exploding with joy...literally. Gale watched her with amusement all over his features as he stood next to Katniss ontop of a building while Hinata had her Byakugan activated, searching for anything from the Capitol. She spotted out war aircrafts speeding their way and she pressed onto the earpiece that was placed in her ear. "Angel to Mockingjay, aircrafts sighted at your one, three, five, six, eight, and ten o'clock, over." She informed softly, hearing static at the end of the lines. "This is Mockingjay, I copy." She heard Katniss reply and a click sounded before a dark cackle echoed into her ear. "Firefly to Rebels, Im going to give a distraction for you all, over." Hotaru said and Hinata could see the dark smirk on her features. Hotaru gave a dark, sinister, and insane grin as her eyes widened with sadistic glee. " an EXPLOSION!!!" Hotaru roared with insane laughter before a boquet of explosions bloomed from the ground in an array of red, orange, and tinges of gold.

It has begun.

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