Lulu and Delaney

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Joel's POV

We finally got to the Arena in Orlando. When we stepped out of the car, the hot, humid Florida air stuck to me.  "Whys it gotta be so hot!" Luke complained. "Oh, man up Luke." I said, though I was pretty hot too. The Newsboys, Mercyme, and Lauren were already there. Matthew's bus was late. Moriah and Lauren go to talk by themselves, and me, Luke, Michael, and Bart go over the preformance sechedule. Lauren and Moriah are in the corner  laughing their heads off. "Joel, Moriah showed me the picture of when you fell in to the lake during your family photo!!  It's Priceless!! " she Laughed. No, not that picture. Anything but that one. And it wasn't my fault. Ben  stepped on me. "Stop it, we've gone over this, your not allowed to show anyone that picture or even talk about it!" Moriah and Lauren just laugh and run a way. Just then Duncan, the Newsboys drummer, came it, looking annoyed. "Some one stole my drumsticks!" He said. "Are you sure you didn't lose them?" Michael asks. "No, I  sure! I put them in the same place every day and now their gone!" He says. "I think someone wants to start a war here." Bart concluded. Just than, Nathan from Mercyme walks by, trying not to make eye contacts with us."Hey, Nathan, do you know where Duncan's drum sticks are?" Bart asked. Nathan didn't say anything, but slowly began to walk away. "He knows where they are! Get him!" Duncan says as they start chasing Nathan around the arena. We lost him a couple times, but then saw him running to the entrance with the sticks in his hands! Luke, , Bart, Michael, Duncan and I all pounced on him and started wrestling for the sticks. Lauren and Moriah, who were already videoing the whole thing on Facebook live and Snapchat, where laughing  Hysterically!! "Oh my goodness  we should toltaly play this on the screen later!" Moriah said. Suddenly, we here another voice. "Well! This is a very interesting before concert ritual." Matthew said. "Oh, hey Matthew." Luke said as we all got up. Matthew's daughters, Lulu and Delaney, were both giggling. "We're the mature ones here, Matthew." Lauren said.

It was time for the concert. Me and Luke went first. The first song we played was Ceasefire.

Every time we said "Fight" we turned to the side, where Mercyme and the Newsboys were standing. It was an inside joke. Then, we played  Fix my Eyes.

We all had fun with that one,  as well as Run Wild.

Finally, we did Priceless, where we told the women,"Don't let any man disrespect. Your are special and priceless and deserve to be treated that way."

Matthew was next after us. We went backstage to where is his wife and daugters were. "Hey, Emily." I said. "Hi, Joel, Luke. You guys were great." Emily said. Lulu and Delaney were playing on the band stand. They were running and jumping off and dancing to the music. They were both giggling happily. "Hey, Joel, isn't this what you guys do? Jump around the stage?" Delaney said. I chuckled. "I jump, Luke falls." I said. "You know that's not true! You fall more than me! Just the other day...." He said but I covered his mouth. As I watched Lulu and Delaney play around, I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable that I don't have kids to play around with like that. Matthew's relationship with his daughters seemed to be so special and beautiful. Luke was always making Jude and Phoenix laugh, and he will definitely do the same to Leo. But Moriah didn't want kids right now, and I want to respect that.

After Moriah Preformed, we went to the bus. "Lulu and Delaney are so cute. I was in the bathroom washing up, and Lulu was brushing Delaneys hair and singing "All in" I recorded it and sent it to Matthew. Here, I'll show you." Moriah said, "Aww, that's so adorable." I said. "Future Christian artist there." Luke said. As i wachted the video, the longing for a child grew and grew.

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