Family and Life

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Joel's POV

The Following morning, my parents came to see Rubye. My mum started crying immediately and I could barely understand stand what she was saying, all I could get was My baby is a daddy, she's the most beautiful thing, I love you. Dad wasn't as emotional. "Congratulations, guys. She looks beautiful." He says. "Thanks, dad." I say. "She looks beautiful, she looked a lot like Joel when he was a baby." Mum said. Moriah giggled and I blush. My Mum is holding Rubye, thrilled with a new granddaughter. "What's her name?" Dad asked. "Rubye Faith." Moriah said. "Rubye Faith Smallbone. That's beautiful." Mum says. 

A couple hours later Ben and his Wife Paige and their sons Asher and Hayden came to visit. Asher and Hayden were fascinated by Rubye, like this was some to species they had never seen before. Even though oddly enough they saw Leo at the hospital almost a year ago. Then Libby came to visit us. Her husband couldn't come because he was sick. She was so excited about it. "She's so cute! Oh my goodness!" Libby squealed. Then Daniel and his wife Brooke visited us, as well as Josh. Then Luke, Courtney, Jude, Phoenix, and Leo came. "Uncle Joel! Auntie Moriah! We see baby?" Jude asked. "Hey guys, Yes, but you have to be gentle. She's sleeping." I say. I bring Rubye down to their level so they can see her. "What's name?" Phoenix asked. "Rubye." I say. "Rubyes cute." Jude said. I smile, "Thank you." "She is beautiful, Joel. Congratulations! I told you y'all would make good babies." Luke says as I roll my eyes, Moriah laughs, and Courtney swats him. "Luke! There's kids!" She says. Not long later, someone else came in. "Rebecca! What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming till Thursday!" I exclaim. She laughs."We wanted to surprise you guys." She says with Gemma by her side. "Congratulations Moriah!" Rebecca says. "Thank you! Hi, Gemma" Moriah says. Gemma waves her hand and goes over to Rubye, who is being held by Jude on the couch, Courtney next to him. "I hold her, Jude?" She asks. "Ok, Gemma." Jude says. Courtney takes Rubye and then places her in Gemma's arms. "Ok, hold her head, and put your elbows on this pillow." Courtney says. "Are you excited to have a girl cousin, Gemma?" "Yes!" She says and we smile. Adorable was an understatement to describe this moment.

After many pictures, people leave and we get ready to take Rubye home the next  morning. I'm holding her in my arms while Moriah is taking a shower. Rubye has only been here for  a day and a half, but she had already changed my life in so many ways. She was so beautiful and I just fell in love with her. I'll always be there for her. I'm never going to let her feel unwanted or unloved. Not as long as she's my daughter. My daughter, that sounds so good. 


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