Boy or Girl?

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Moriah's POV

I stoped preforming a few weeks after we announced my pregnancy. I still went with Joel on his Tours. There were, however, places I couldn't go because of the Zika virus. I wanted this child to be healthy happy, so I wasn't taking any chances. My mom, Joel's mom, Courtney and a lot of other mothers were giving me advise for motherhood. They said it was hard  but definitely worth it. I knew it would be. I couldn't wait for the day I could hold my child in my arms. Me and Joel have been pretty busy. We decided where the nursery would be, and got some baby stuff from family and friends. I was also looking at things for when the baby would need to be brought to a daycare when he or she was older. I found one I liked a lot. It was a Christian day care center, and it was very kid friendly and bright and happy. It had had three rooms. One for kids 3 and 4 year olds, one for toddlers, and one for younger babies. The staff was very friendly. Most of the staff were young collage students, but there were a couple of older adults. One 20 year old, a girl named Claire, was particularly friendly. She was so sweet and helpful. This is where I want my baby to be. 

By 4 months I was already showing, and we were heading to a check up to find out the gender. I was so excited, i could hardly contain myself. "Clam down! The baby will get all worked up!" Joel said. We finally got to the doctors office and we went into the room.  They put the jell on my stomach, which sort of tickled, and we saw our baby growing healthily on the ultrasound. "Ok, let's see what we have here." The nurse says. "Congratulations, it looks like your having a little baby girl!" I smiled a mile wide. "Oh my goodness! A little girl! Joel says with a look of joy on his face. I could of cried, I was so happy. Al, my life, I wanted a little girl, and now I'm going to have one.

On the ways home, me  and Joel call our family, who is excited about a new girl in the family. Before now, it's only been Rebecca's daughter Gemma. "I'm so excited to have a little girl!" I say. "Me too! She's going to be so beautiful!" Joel says. "What do you want to name her?" He asks. This was easy. "I've always wanted to name my daughter Rubye, (Ruby) sense I was a little girl." "Well that's settled." Joel says. "What about a middle name?" I ask. " about Faith?" Joel says."Rubye Faith Smallbone, that sounds beautiful!" 

That night, we go over to Luke's house for dinner. Jude and Phoenix run to the door. "Uncle Joel! Auntie Moriah!" Jude yells. "Hey Jude! (Anyone get the reference? The Beatles? No? Ok.😂)Courtney appears with baby Leo. "Hey Cort! Hi Leo!" I smile. "Congrats on the baby girl, Moriah!" She says. "Thank you!" "When is baby coming?" Phoenix asks"She'l be coming around the beginning of January." I say. "When's that?" He asks, not familiar with months yet. "It's a couple weeks after Christmas." Joel explains. 

We sit down to eat, and we talk about baby stuff. We watch Luke and Courtney's every move. Well, just not creepily. We watch Jude flinging a meatball across the table, and Phoenix eating his  Spaghetti with his face. We also saw Luke and Courtney have to teach them not to do that. Fortunately, Jude and Phoenix are very good kids. I hope our daughter is like them. We also saw Luke and Courtney often getting up to take care of Leo. Luke tells us it was even harder when he was a newborn. "When you have a newborn, there's no point in even setting the table, cause your going to be up burping, feeding, or changing the baby half the time anyways." Luke says. Me and Joel smile at each other. Yes, we have all this difficult work in our future, but they are such a happy family, and I know we will be too.

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