Family Home

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Moriah's POV

The next morning, we take Rubye home from the hospital. Joel is so nervous about driving us home, his dad had to calm him down. Once his drama was done, we got in the car and left. We arrived at home safe and sound, much to Joel's relief. "Hey baby girl, we're home." I said. She had her little eyes slightly open. She had Joel's beautiful brown eyes and I can't get enough of it. We enter the house and Adelina and Merriwether come to the door. "Hey, hey guys. Good to see you too!" Joel says as we enter the house with Rubye. We sit on the couch and take her out of the baby carrier. Adelina and Merriwether come over to investigate. Merriwether seemed to be more interested than Adelina. I smile at my baby girl as I watch Joel hold her In his arms. "Wow, i can't believe we're parents." I say. Joel grins. "Me too. Do you think we'll be good parents?" He says. I smile and kiss him on the cheek. "I think you already are." 

That night we discover the less liked part of parenthood. Rubye seemed to wake up every hour! I would wake up, feed her, than go back to sleep. But then she would wake up again not long later and Joel would go change her and rock her back to sleep. We were so tired the next morning, I fell asleep during breakfast! Not to mention the diapers and burp ups that continually happened. I sigh, sitting down from putting Rubye down for a nap. This was hard, but every time I look at Rubye I smile. This may be hard, but it's definitely worth it. Joel was a great daddy and did the best he could do to  help me, and for that I was greatfull. Sometimes Luke and Courtney would come and help us out. It was nice to get some advice from people who had experience.  "She's so pretty. I love her hair." Courtney said. "Thanks. I think her hair is so adorable." I say. "Ya know, I love my boys but I do wish I had a girl to do all the girl hair makeup stuff with." She says. "Well, I think Phoenix has enough hair for pig tails" I say. Corrtney giggles. "That's true!" She laughs. 

That  evening  we order Chinese take out and just watch Rubye be so cute. Her little eyes wonder the room like she's trying to discover where she is. I still can't get over her brown eyes. It looks just like Joel's! She looked a lot like Joel in many ways. Fortunately, she didn't get Joel's color blindness, which I am thankful for. "Come on, Rubye, say Dada."  Joel said. "Joel! She's barely 3 days old!" I laugh. "It's never too early to start learning the important stuff. Come on, say, Dada is amazing and Uncle Luke adores him!" Joel says. At that I start laughing uncontrollably. "What? It's true!" "Sorry....sorr....sorry! It'!" I say, still laughing. Joel pretends to be shocked not and puts his hand on his heart. "Well, I am offended by your rudeness!" He says in mock offense. I continue to giggle and he starts laughing and hugs me. "Ok, I think we're scaring the baby!" I say. Rubye eyes were wide and I thought it was so adorable. Her big eyes and little face looked so cute! I had to take a picture of it and posted it on instagram. 

That night was no easier than the first, and we often had to wake up in the night. Once, she woke up and Joel went and got her. I saw through the door, Joel held Rubye on his chest, rocking on the chair. This was the most adorable sight ever, so I got out my phone and took a picture. How did Joel ever  doubt that he would be a good father?

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