Surprises and Expectancy

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It had been just over a month since we were in we were in Florida. We were still discussing adoption, and we were both eager at the idea. But we knew that God's plan for us was probably different from what we thought, so we would let his plans go first. If his plan was for us to adopt, we would. Joel was working on a new album with Luke in the studio, so I was alone with Adelina and Merriwether today. I was trying to get some things done for future events, but I hadn't been feeling so good. I was really tired, and I kept throwing up. I also found myself eating more and more often. Once, I was working on something on the computer, and I somehow had a banana in my hand, and I don't even recall how it got there! I thought it was very odd. While I was texting Courtney, Luke's wife, I told her about all this. 

C:Oh wow! I just realized, I had those same symptoms when I found out I was pregnant with Jude. Same for Phoenix and Leo.

M:What are you saying? Do you really think I'm Pregnant?

C:It's very likely.I would take a test, just to be sure.

I clicked off. Me, pregnant? When, how? Me and Joel are always so busy... But maybe this is the will of God. So I go to the drug store and grab 7 pregnancy tests. I return and use them. After tensely wait, I check them. They all say Positive. My eyes grow wide. I have a baby inside of me. I don't know how to react at first. I'm really happy and excited, but also concerned about how Joel would react. God, at this point , doesn't want us to adopt. I giggle to myself. The fan girls would be so excited. A Joriah baby! 

Joel returns a couple hours later. "Hello, love." He says as I greet him at the door and we kiss. "How was the studio today?" "It was great! We recorded 5 songs for the album." Joel said. I started playing with my hands. I have to tell him. " something to tell you?" "What?" "Um.. don't think God wants us to adopt." "What? Why not?" He asks, confused." see, this sort of turned up." I say handing him the pregnancy test. His eyes nearly pop out of his head. His jaw drops. "Your....your pregnant?" I smile. "Yeah." He grins and picks me up and kisses me and then my stomach. "I can't believe we're having a little baby!" He says. "Me neither. We have a doctors appointment tomorrow so we know if we're pregnant for sure and how far along we are." I say. Joel raps his ares around me. "I love you so much." "I love you too." 

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