Baby Smallbone

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Joel's POV

The next morning we go to the doctors office for our appointment. We out our name in and wait. There were some other couples there, some, like us, not far along, and others were closer to the due date. The couple sitting on the left of us names were McKenna and Dylan. They were finding out the gender of their baby. The couple sitting on the right of us names were Emma and Tony. They were having a girl, and were two days late. They might be getting induced on Friday. Finally, the nurse comes and says, "Mr and Mrs. Smallbone?" We nod and follow her into the room. We do some tests and find out for sure that Moriah's pregnant.  Then we do a ultrasound. "There's the baby." The nurse says. "I'll play the heart beat." I still couldn't believe it. There's a little person inside Moriah. And it had a heart! How do people think that abortion isn't murder? It's a human being with a heart beat! "It looks like you guys are a month along and on track for a good pregnancy. A month? She's been pregnant a month already? "Here's a book on what you can expect for this pregnancy. And don't worry about the bad parts. It usually only happens to a small percentage anyways, and stressing about it will stress the baby."  We thank him and go to the car. "I still can't believe we're having a baby!" "I can't wait to tell our family. Let's call them now." We call Moriah's parents first. "Hello?" Moriah's mom answers. "Hi, Mama!" She says. "Moriah! Sweetheart, how are you and Joel?" "We're great? Is Papa around?" She asks. "Yes, right next to me, actually." "Can you put him on speaker? We want to tell you something." Mrs.Peters puts the phone on speaker, then her dad says, "what did you guys want to tell us?" We look at each other, than say into the phone, "YOUR GOING TO BE GRANDPARENTS!!!!" All we can here on the other end is Mrs.Peters screaming and crying tears of joy."Oh my goodness, this is amazing!" She squeals. "We're supper happy and proud of you." Mr.Peters says.  After a couple minutes, we finish talking, then go to Joel's parents house. "Joely! Moriah! This is spontaneous!" My mother says. "Hello, Mum, Dad." "We want to tell you something. " "What?" Dad asks. "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!!!!!" My parents just stare at us eyes open. "Joel David Smallbone, you better not be lying." "Were not! We got ultrasound pictures and everything!" I say. "Oh my goodness! I can't believe it!" Mum says as she hugs and kisses me. "Congratulations! We're so happy for you guys!" Dad says as he hugs Moriah than me. "Thank you!" Moriah than me. We go home, than proceed to call our siblings. Moriahs sister is freaking out, while her brother is  all chill about it. The first sibling in my family we call is (surprise surprise) Luke. "Hey Joel" he says. "Hey bro. Is Courtney nearby? She may want to hear this." "Yeah, just let me put her on speaker." Luke says. He puts them on speaker, than we say, "WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!" We here Courtney scream at the top of her lungs. "OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS OH MY GOODNESS I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!!!!" We all laugh. "Congrats Guys! You'll be awesome parents!!!" Luke says."Thank you!" I say. We call the rest of my siblings as well as the band, who are all thrilled. Then we post it on twitter, Facebook and instagram and all the fans explode with excitement.  I smile as I read the comments.

Oh my goodness! A joriah Baby! Best wishes to you guys!

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! My fan girl is exploding right now!!!

You guys will be the best parents ever! That little boy or girl is sooooo lucky.

Moriah joins me beside the couch. "It's crazy. "In 8 months we'll be a little family with a little baby." She says as she snuggles next to me. I put my arm around her as I say, "God has surely been good to us."

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