BTS in - Three Wishes

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Genie - Jin, you have three wishes. What do you want?
Jin - What? Really? Okay. My first wish is for this whole world to become pink in colour.
*everything becomes pink* Much Better!
My second wish is that I become the Ambassador of Fashion and Fabulousness.
*All hail Princess Jin* And lastly, my third wish is - I want Mario to come alive!
*mario comes to live*
Jin - Marry meeee!!!!!!!!
Mario - (runs)Princess Peach!! I'm coming for you!

Genie - Namjoon, what are your three wishes.
Namjoon - (excited) Oh my god! I don't believe this! I have three wishes!
Okay okay ... so my first wish is for me to get $100,000,000 cash.
And the second is to rule over this world.
Lastly, I wish that Jimin will forever have no jams! Mhuhaaaaa....(evil laugh)
*wishes granted*
Namjoon - Wait! Am I forgetting something? Nah its nothing!
*Goes to take his cash and his throne*
*touches money, money breaks, touches throne, throne breaks*
Oh mannnn! I forgot about my curse!!!
Why does this only happen to me!!!!

Genie - Jamless kid, what are your three wishes?
Jimin - What did you call me? Huh???
Genie - Ah it's nothing *thinks - aish... this kid really got no jams*.
Jimin - okay okay, now.... my first wish is to get back all my jams, and I want to be the most jamfull person in the world.
Genie - Yeah right!
Jimin - Did you say something again? Huh?!
Genie - Nothing! *grants wish* Now what's your last wish?
Jimin - this is hard..... *thinks hard* got it! *evil laugh* I want Jungkook to fall in love with me forever! 
Genie - Sorry Jimin... but I don't have control over people's feelings!
Jimin - ugghhhhh! When will Jungkook fall for me? When?!

Genie - Heyy! You!!! Hey!!!!
Yoongi - *half asleep* Yah! Who are you?
Genie - I'm here to grant you three wishes.
Yoongi - seriously? Whoaaa! So, my wish is that I'll have all the time in the world so that I can sleep as long as I want to! *wish granted, now he has control over time* And my second wish is for me to...... zzzzzzzzzzz....
Genie- Hey!!! Wake up!!
Yoongi - Huh? Oh... so where was I? Yes... my second wish is to get.....zzzzzzzzzzzz
Genie- (gets impatient) Just tell me already what your wish is!!!!!
Yoongi - Aishhh! Why are you letting me sleep? *claps once, and the whole world stops, the genie also freezes along with time* Now I can sleep in peace!!!! *sleeps for 63527384 years*

Genie- Jung Hoseok, I am here to grant you three wishes!
Hoseok - Ohhh!!! This is daebak. I'm sure this is a reward for all the good things I've done!
Okay!!! My first wish is for everyone in this world to be happy! *the world is full of joy and peace forever* my second wish is to have a flying pony like Rainbow dash! *my little pony - plays in the background and Rainbow dash comes to life* whoa!!!! *hops on the pony*
Genie - what about your third wish?
Hoseok - forget about that, first I need to go somewhere!
*flies to EXO's dorm*
Hoseok - Lay!!!! Where are you? Look I've got a pony for us!

Lay - daebakkkk! But did you not get any unicorns?
Hoseok- why didn't I think about that? Anyways hop on! Let's go somewhere--
*take lay to pony land*

Genie - V, what are your three wishes?
V - Bwi want snbzhdjsvsgdgd.
Genie - What? I don't understand.
V - snbzhdjsvsgdg.
Genie - What is that?
V - alien.
Genie - oh! So you want alien? *grants him his wish*
V - yeah!!! Alien and bwi bwest fwiends! *goes to alien planet together*

Genie - Jungkook.. what are your three wishes?
Jungkook - I want to be considered as the only 'diamond maknae' and not 'golden maknae' since I know I'm meant to be special.
The second one is to remove the word 'underage' from the dictionary because they always say I'm underage for stuff that I want to do. And the third one..... I can't decide!!!
*gives a big though* I've got it! I want a thousand wishes more! (Evil laugh)

EnD.... I know they're lame, but I'm trying.

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