BTS in - Gift Exchage! (Christmas )

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Jin- Okay so let's see who's gift i got!

Hoseok - Oh that giant Unicorn Key chain? That would be mine!

Jin - Erm... fine, but since it's pink I'll accept it!
And hey Jungkook! stop licking the fake candy Canes! They're wax!!'

Hoseok - Great!

Jimin - Is this what I think it is?

Yoongi - Unwrap it to see.

Jimin - erm.. A stretchy grey t-shirt that says - Rest your eyes or bag your eyes- ?

Yoongi - I bought it for $3! Mahnnn $3!

Jimin - Ehehehe fine, I'll wear it since it tightens around my waist and shows off my abs!

Yoongi - yeah it's meant for short people.

Jimin - Did you just diss meh? Huh???

Yoongi - Hang on- I'm 1 cm taller than you Shortie!

Jimin - Yah! Your turtle!

Namjoon - Yah Yoongi! Don't waste your time fighting with Jamless people! You'll get the De-Jammed too like our Shortie Jimin here!

Yoongi - *walks away*

Jimin - *death glare at Namjoon*

Jungkook - Mommy mommy! Can I open my gift now? It looks like some Game DVD's! I'm just too excited!

Jin - Sure! Show me what you got.

Jungkook - Mommy?

Jin - Yeah?

Jungkook - It's the same DVD i saw Jimin hyung watching late at night! Hey- How do you pronounce P ** N?

Namjoon - Ahhhh! That was meant for Jiminnnnn! Give it back! You're too young for this!

Jin - Kim Namjoon! How dare you?' You're littering his innocent mind! And Jimin too should be more careful!

Namjoon - That kid is not innocent, I repeat NOT INNOCENT!!!!

Jin - And how do you know this?

Namjoon - Well, I caught him watching that tape with Jimin.

Jin - *slaps Namjoon* How can you say that about ma boy?????

Namjoon - Whatever. I'm moving onto my gift. Let's see what I got.

Taehyung - Bdbdjsjsnsb Namjoonhyung!

Namjoon - I don't understand you. Is this one from you?

Taehyung - *nods*

Namjoon - *opens gift* Um Bwi? Why would you gift someone toilet paper?

Taehyung- Snxjsksj! *rolls toilet paper and put it on his Nostrils*

Namjoon - Very Funny :(

J- Hope - Whoever gifted me this 'Fake abs Lining Paint for Tough body', I would very much like to thanks you but unfortunately you should see my abs first.

Jungkook - Ewwwwww

Taehyung- *licks the spray paint*

Jimin - Ha! They look nothing like mine! Your abs were too artificial so I bought it for you.

Namjoon - *whispers* Forget it Jhorse, Only Jamless people think this way.
Rest of BTS - *whispers to each other* True true. Let's just walk away.
*give dirty looks to Jimin*

Jhorse- Yah Jimin! Haha. Don't mind Namjoon. I'm there for you! I like your gift. And you know what? I'll use it on Mariposa! I'll give Mariposa fake abs! It will work you'll see... ahaha!!!

Namjoon - Forget it. I'm moving on to mine. *opens gift* It's from Jungkook!

Jungkook- Yes Hyung!

Namjoon - well well. You've got me-
            *gift breaks before he sees*

Jungkook- My candy canes! You monster! You broke my precious candy canes! Bwaaaaa! Mom... this monster broke my gift! Bwaaaa!

Jin - Huh?! Namjoon?!

Namjoon- Uh uh.. don't worry! These are not real candy canes! They're wax! Oh mai gawd Kookie! Have you been eating these?

Jungkook- That's the point! You can't eat them stupid!*wails*

Namjoon - Jin! Say something! He shouldn't be treating his hyung this way. Where did he learn this?

Jin - Don't blame the little Kid! You're the one who broke it and made him cry!

Namjoon - But...but-

*all the attention turns to Taehyung who swallows a pink scarf*

Jimin - Yahhh! What are you doing? You'll die Bwi! Don't eat that!

Jin - Noooooooo! My Pink Hermes! Gone! Gone!

Taehyung- *burps* tasty! Bwi want more!

Jungkook- How did you-?

Taehyung- Don't tell Eomma liner!

Sorry guys! It's been a looooonnnnng time since I updated! But it's Christmas, and I'm quite busy too. But hey, Merry Christmas!
Love you all to death🎄🎄🎄

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