BTS in - The Quest pt.1

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Once upon a time, in a land known by the name of Bangtan, ruled a King named Bangsihyuk-Pd nim. He was a great King. His kingdom was filled with joy and happiness. Until one stormy night, his son, Prince Namjoon was born.
On Prince Namjoon's First birthday, 5 fairies came to pay a visit and bless the child. Among those 5 fairies, one of them was evil and often jealous of the King. Her name was JYP.

The first fairy blessed him with looks.
"You will become a handsome one when you grow up child, your future ahead will be a legend, spoken everywhere by nobles and Leaders." She said as she waved a wand and a speck of blue sparkles over the child's head."

The second fairy took over, "You will very talented and successful when you grow up." She blessed and went back.

"You will have Vocals swift as a sparrow that none in this continent bestow dear one." The third fairy spoke.

Now it was the evil fairy's turn. She had a bad intention in mind. She gave an evil smile and cursed, "You little one, I bless you with the power of destruction. Everything you touch, will be destroyed and shattered to pieces. Remember, this is a power you'll bestow forever. No other spell would be able to break this curse! Mwahahahah-"
"Unless, a brave knight or be it peasant, will be able to restore the deep sleep of swaeg the turtle, he or she, with the help of swaeg's power, will be able to break the curse!" The fifth fairy cut in before the evil fairy could end the cure.

The evil fairy look over at the fifth fairy.
"I bet you, no one in this kingdom will be brave enough for this quest! Your spell was useless!" She mocked at her.
Then left the kingdom, from her broom, through an open window.

All the audience in the court were speechless. Prince Namjoon gave out a wail. He accidentally touched the gold cradle he lay in, and it broke, shattering into pieces.
All the people sighed and stepped back.

Something had to be done about this.
The king ordered the fairies to create a special type of glove for Prince Namjoon that would prevent him from breaking things.
The fairies got to work.

They had made a special glove, made from Swaeg's Urine collected a long time ago when he woke up for the after 266337 years.

It helped Namjoon not to break things. He had to keep the gloves on forever.

But the gloves were not helping much.
He had trouble taking baths. Or anything that included inside the toilet.

He would often break chamber pots.

The King was very upset about this.

This catastrophe lasted for 24 years.


/24 years later/

Young Prince Namjoon was older now, and today was the day of his coronation.
He grew up just as the fairies had predicted - tall, fair, handsome, and his talents and vocals were highly appreciated. Unlike his curse.

The king had to do something about this. His son was always sad and in an unhappy mood. It made the King unhappy too.

The King remembered something about what the 5th fairy had told before.

He gave a thought about it and decided that he would be announcing this quest today. It would be open to all young men in his country.

He called for his royal Page. And asked him to note this down:


Hear all, hear Ye! This is to inform all the citizens of Bangtan Kingdom that the King has decided to reward a brave young men at a prize of 100000 gold coins to whoever may be able to fulfill the quest which was put forth to notice 24 years ago by the Great King himself. All men are allowed to participate in this quest - nobleman, knights or even lowly peasants.
Youths interested to participate, may come to the royal court a day forth at midday to apply thy name and profile.


This news was now to be passed on from person to person till the news reached the entire continent.

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