9: You're mine

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9: You're mine

> Yui's P.O.V <

We stared at each orher. I avoid him for the entire day. His eyes seems questioning me on why am I avoiding him.

He stood up as I back away. He steps forward as i step backwards. I keep stepping backwards until my back felt the wall. He put both of his arms in each sides of my head. 'Shit.. i'm dead..'

My angry gaze never leaves his questioning gaze. We both stayed in that position for a long moment. Silence covered us, only the aircon's sound can be heard.

He suddenly breaks the silence. "Why are you with that bastard?" He asked in a annoyed tone.

My eyebrows furrowed. 'Is he talking about Ruki..?'

And as if he was reading my mind, "Yes.. I'm talking about Ruki.." He answered my silent question.

"Why do you care?" I annoyingly asked. "I'm just a prey, right? So why do you care about your prey?" I stated in a angry tone.

He seems shocked on what I've said. I smirked at him. "Shock? Well.. I've heard you and whoever is he talking last night." I told him.

"About last night. I didn't mean those things I've sai--" I cutted him off.

"Shut up!!" I shout at him.

I took a deep breath and speak. "I want the truth!!" Tears dropped from my eyes.

His eyes is full of emotion. "Th-then let me explain.." he said.

"No.. Nevermind, you don't need to explain. It's useless." I said while shaking my head in sideways. "I don't deserve your believeable lies. I don't wanna hear those lies. I don't need your fucking promises!" I punched him in his chest.

"I won't lie!! I promise!! Please listen to me!!" Shuu pleads as he hugged me but I tried pushing him away.

"No!!!" I yell as I finally push him away from me. "Enough with the promises!! You kept promising me stuffs but in the end you'll just fucking break it. Just fucking stop please.. Enough with it Shuu." I said as I sternly look straight in his eyes.

"You're really pushing me away?" He asked with sadness in his eyes.

I wiped my tears before I nodded, "From now on, please stop making feel like you really care about me. I'm so done with you." I stated as I went towards my bed. I left him standing there, "I think I've answered your questions. You may now leave. I want to sleep." I said.

Without saying a word, he disappears in thin air. 'What an asshole..' I lay in my bed and start tearing up again.–


On the other side of the mansion. The Mukami brothers are inside their very own living room. Take note. Only Mukami can enter this room. Kou wasn't with them since he's busy with his work as an Idol.

Azusa and Yuma are sitting in the floor while playing Uno. Ruki is in the couch, reading a book.

"Plus four.." Azusa said as he drop a card.

"Damnit! That's unfair!" Yuma complain

"No.. It wasn't.. Take.. Four cards.." Azusa said as he smiles

Yuma took four cards as Azusa drop another plus four cards. "Hey! Argh!" Yuma groan then drop all his cards in his hands, "okay fine! You win!" Yuma said as he stood up and went to the sofa.

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