Chapter 3.

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I'm already loving writing this book! Thanks for hanging in there while I got my motivation back.

After changing into my usual, hoodie, jeans, toms and beanie i jogged downstairs meeting my parents in the kitchen for breakfast. I was up a little earlier this morning, meaning i could actually eat my breakfast without having to rush.

"Morning" I say cheerily, grabbing a apple as I sit down at the breakfast bar my Dad was making us all some waffles, thank god. I was starving.

"What's with you?" My mother questioned my happiness. Honestly I did too, maybe it was because of Mike, not in that way, but he's funny and made me laugh.

"Can't I be in a good mood?" I shoot back, and my mother holds her hands up in defence, before taking her cup of coffee pressing her lips against the glass. I huff a little, taking a bite out of my apple waiting for the waffles to be done.

"Good news. I found you a tutor" and as soon as those words left my mothers mouth, I wasn't cheery any longer. "It's a miracle actually, he just moved here it seems and I think he might work at your school now. He's really smart, and pretty young so hopefully he can handle you better" she says giving me a warning look.

I smile and nod, "Of course Mother, why wouldn't I be anything but nice to him?"

"Kellin I'm serious! Your grades need to improve, and if they don't after a few months of having the tutor then there will be consequences" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, blah, I've heard this before. I promise, I'll try" I say softly, my Dad finally serving up the waffles, which smelt amazing.

"Okay, thank you love. So he's coming around tonight, at seven until half eight" she continues and I nod slowly. Quickly scanning my own brain for if I had any plans, I didn't.

"How many times a week?" I ask her, cutting up my waffles after dumping a load of chocolate spread and strawberries on them.

"Monday through to Friday, so it's basically a added on lesson from school, but you can be in the comfort of your own home" she says smiling at me, I scowl at her and eat some of my waffles.

"That sucks, five days? Seriously?" I mutter, that was so not fair, I had plans, and a social life.

"Don't argue with me about it Kellin, the sooner you get your grades up then the less he has to come" she explains.

"Ok, well I'm going. Thanks for the waffles Dad, thanks for ruining my social life Mother" I say dramatically after finishing most of my waffles.

"I love you too honey" she says, waving me off as I left the house. I met up with everyone as usual, plus Mike. Since I liked him, everyone else did too.

It was fifth period and I was bored as hell, instead of going to class I was wondering down the halls, waiting for Mike to meet me so we could leave and go get food or something. It wasn't long until I saw his lanky self walking down the corridor, I wave at him and smile.

"Took long enough" I mutter, looking around before letting him follow me to the back entrance of the science block. We had to pass the staff room, but usually there was no one in there.

"Oh shut up, my teacher wouldn't let me go to the toilet, I had to say I was literally going to shit myself" he says rolling his eyes, I burst out into laughter, stumbling a little as we walk side by side. Soon we passed the Staff room and we  wasn't exactly being quiet when we did. We got maybe six foot away before the door opened, I didn't even look back, my hand latched onto Mikes wrist.

"Run!" I shout. So we did, we ran but I swear I could hear someone running after us.

"Michael!" Someone shouts from behind us, I still didn't look back, my eyes averted to Mike though and his were wide.

"Keep running!" Mike shouts to me, soon we were at the door, we basically ran into them but they opened thankfully. We were out, and had to jump over a fence, the two of us didn't stop running until we reached a few blocks away from school.

"I have major stitch" he say, half bent over as I held my knee taking deep breaths to try and get mine back. I heard Mike laughs besides me and I look up at him, flipping him off. "Did you know who that was?"

Mike shrugs, "I don't know man, didn't have a chance to look back. Probably some old hag" he says with a laugh making me laugh too. The two of us made our way to McDonald's and stayed there for two hours until we decided to head back home.

"Mom! Please!" I shout at her, flopping down onto the couch laying on her lap, I pout as I look up at her. She stares down at me, and her expression softens, only for a second she holds my arm and pushes me onto the ground.

"No, the tutor will be here in ten minutes. Go clean your room!" She shouts at me like I was thirteen or something. She was scary though, so I stood up and made sure my room was clean, our house was relatively small and we didn't have a office or anything so we would just have to do it in my room as I had a desk and computer.

There was a knock at the door, and a small smirk forms on my lips. I had some jogging bottoms on and a normal loose band shirt, showing off my tattoos as I knew my family wouldn't come up here. Impatiently I sat at the desk, texting Mike a little. When my bedroom door squeaked I turned around and looked at the man.

"Oh" I mumble standing up, "It's you"

"No, I'm Professor Fuentes, and you're Kellin Quinn correct?" He said, he sounded so posh and professional it was boring.

"That would be me" I grin, crossing my arms across my chest, before sitting back down again.

He sat besides me in the other chair putting all the papers out on the table, "So, uh. Yeah I'll be tutoring you for the next six month or so, and I hope I can help you achieve the best of your.."

"Ok, stop" I cut him off. "I don't need this bullshit, I don't want you here honestly but my parents are pretty persistent about it. So let's cut the pep talk and just get to it" he seemed a little taken back by my attitude but he nods none the less.

"Lets start with Sociology?" he says and I shrug, playing with the pen in my hand as I looked at him. He was in a suit, again a different one though, he had a nose hoop and he did in fact have brown eyes.

A hour or so passes and I actually kind of listened to him, he had a really nice voice, it was soothing and easy to listen too. Whenever I would get something wrong he didn't judge me, he helped me and it was nice to not feel incredibly dumb, he had the best smile too, the odd time I'd accidentally curse myself out causing him to laugh.

I check my phone for the time, and sigh softly we still had half an hour and I was so bored. "Can we talk?" I ask.

"About sociology?"

"No, I'm bored of it now. Lets talk about something else" I say.

"Oh, well I brought history, maths and.."

"No. I mean like not school related"

He stops, and looks at me for a second before shaking his head, "I'm being paid to tutor you, not to talk to you" he says simply making me groan loudly.

"You're new" I said and he raises an eyebrow, nodding slowly. "Do you like it here?" I ask him.

"Yes Kellin, its very nice here. You know what else is nice? You getting a A instead of a F, now listen" he says. I smirk, and he looked confused. The reason I was smirking was because he was feisty, like me. I liked that about him, it made him even better than he already was 

F is for Fuck | kellicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon