Chapter 10

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Sorry loves! I've been literally so busy and hardly had time to write, I have a Sleeping with Sirens concert tonight so that's why I'm updating earlier than I usually would!

I woke up earlier than Vic did, and he seemed to be in a pretty deep sleep when I looked over to check on him. As I stretch out my arms and sit up, I look down at him sleeping a small smile creeping onto my lips, he looked so peaceful and cute actually. After a second of admiring the sleeping beauty beside me I got out of bed and pulled my clothes on, getting my bag that was stuffed behind the bed so Mike couldn't of seen it.

I didn't even have to try and be quiet as I left the room, Mike was snoring from his bedroom, and as I walked past I peeked in seeing him asleep alone that girl was no where. Which was strange, because I expected him to let her sleep over. Eventually I pulled myself away and walked downstairs, tip toeing my way all the cans and rubbish on the floor. Originally I had said I would help Mike clean all this up, but after last nights happenings there was no way I would come out of my way to help him.

Being outside was actually nice, it was chilly but funnily enough felt so good against my skin. When I did check my phone I saw the time, it was still early and my parents would probably be in bed so I ran home, and snuck inside and to my bedroom.

The next day instead of walking with Mike, Justin and Lynn to school I took my Dads car. I just really didn't want to walk with Mike, I had been rehearsing in my head what I was supposed to say and how I should act. It was bad enough that Mike was with another girl, but I went and hooked up with his brother in the next room, which he didn't know about. No one knew about, I was planning on telling Justin today, because he's the only person that knows all of my stupid and scandalous secrets. As I park in the school parking lot, I keep my hands tight on the steering wheel taking a series of deep breaths.

To make things even more awkward I had tutor with Vic tonight, and obviously I haven't spoken to him about it so I have no idea how he feels about this whole situation. I know how bad it is, but it excites me, it gives me this kind of adrenaline rush that I could live off.

"Here go's nothing" I mumble to myself as he pull my sunglasses on, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and get out of the car. The plan was to just act like I was mad and upset at Mike, like he had really hurt me when in actual fact I wasn't hurt at all, I didn't even like him that much.

As usual I walk over to the cafeteria and toward my table, it was already full and Mike was also sat there, comfy next to Alan. I smirk to myself before starting my show, I knew that all those drama classes as a child would pay off. My head drops down, and I wipe my cheek as if I had been crying. Everyone at the tables attention was on me, because i could hear them all saying my name.

I didn't even sit down, I just went and stood beside Justin, taking hold of his arm and tugging it lightly, wiping under my cheek again, obviously everyone would think I was crying because I had sunglasses on.. little did they know.

"Kellin? Hey what's wrong?" Justin said quickly, standing up and wrapping his arms tight around me, I bury my face against his chest and smirk to myself. Never have I felt so evil. When I did look over his shoulder at the table everyone was looking our way, and Mike was too, he looked awful, like he had so much sympathy in his eyes.

"It's.. nothing" I mumble against his shoulder, pulling away and giving him a very forced fake smile.

"It is something, it's very rarely that Kellin Quinn gets sad, what happened?" Justin said, not dropping the subject. Honestly Justin was the only person I truly cared deeply about, he was definitely my best friend and he's the only person I would stop my selfish ways for.

Instead of saying it out loud, I leaned up and whispered against Justin's ear.

"Mike cheated on me last night, I walked in on him having sex with a girl, and when I left the room he didn't even come after me, he carried on"

And just like that, Justin's fists clenched, his whole body tensing up. One hand dropped and he took hold of mine, turning to look at the table, I just stood 'shyly ' behind Justin's body waiting for this to kick off, and boy did it.

"You!" Justin shouts, the whole cafeteria went quiet and all attention was on our table. I just kept hold of Justin's hand, watching him point to Mike who looked like he had just witnessed death. "Get the fuck off our table now!"

Mike slowly stood up, picking his backpack up and putting it over his shoulder, he was so much taller than Justin but everyone was staring at him. Even though no one else knew what had happened, I knew that the guys on the table were my friends and would take my side. 

"Can I just talk to Kellin.." Mike said in a calm tone. "Please, Kellin?" He said almost desperately looking directly at me. I looked away though, I really didn't want to talk to him because I wouldn't know what to say? Also, if I was left alone to talk to him, seeing how sad and sympathetic he was would make me feel so guilty and I didn't want to l feel guilty.

Justin caught on that I didn't want to talk to him, "He doesn't want to talk to you, so I suggest you fuck off. You don't deserve kellin, you never did" he shouts, and after that Mike did walk away. I didn't see him for the rest of the day actually.

Then the time I was dreading the most finally arrived.

"Kellin sweetie! Your tutor is here" My mother shouts from downstairs. I didn't even reply because she usually just sent him up to my room, and after a minute he did.

My body almost froze in the seat I was in as I heard the door open, it was obviously Vic. It was so strange for me to feel like this? Nations and nervous to see someone. I had never felt this before, and I didn't like it it made me feel so vulnerable.

"Kellin" Vic said in his usual 'professional' voice, he sets down the papers and books he brought on the desk before sitting beside me on the other chair. I really did not want to make eye contact with him, so I just hummed in response.

"Are you okay?" He asked, catching me a little off guard. I finally pulled my eyes away from the little doodles I had been doing and look up to him briefly.

"Yes, I'm good. Excited to learn as always" I said sarcastically but I was just missing my enthusiasm today and I don't know why. It was possibly because I did feel guilty for turning everyone on Mike like that, and also I was scared of Vic hating me.

"If you say so?.." he says softly picking a book up and turning it over to a certain page before placing it in front of me. "How come you left so early?" He says.

A small smile appears on my lips as I look up to him, raising an eyebrow "Well, I just assumed it was a one night stand thing?" I said, innocently.

Honestly my heart physically hurt as I watched Vic smile and shake his head, his hand moved to my knee and my breath caught in my throat. "Definitely not a one night stand Kellin.."

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