Chapter 8

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Hi guys! Sorry for taking so long to update, but i now thankfully have a week off school so ill be able to update this book at least a couple of times. I just want to say sorry in advance for if i make any mistakes on little details. I haven't wrote this book in a while so I've forgotten a few things, if i do feel free to let me know! Happy reading! 

It took us approximately forty three minutes to set everything up for this party, all of the counter tops in the kitchen were completely full of alcohol that Vic had to go and buy for us, because well we aren't old enough to be drinking, legally anyways. The best part though was watching Vic and Mike try to set up a gazebo in the back garden, it was embarrassing actually. After about fifteen minutes of attempting to nail the corners into the grass, they finally figured it out, a load of chairs and tabled were brought out set up underneath the huge tent. Unfortunately they didn't have an actual ping pong table for beer pong but we just found a random plastic table, putting that at the other side of the garden. By the time we finished setting everything up and making sure that the only drink available in this house was alcohol based, people from school began to show up. Vic had disappeared which was expected, he was a teacher at the school, and more than half of the people showing up went to that school. If i was a random student i would be freaked out by seeing my teacher at a party. 

Currently i am stood in a corner of the kitchen drinking some cheap beer from a plastic cup, and i'm pretty sure Vic had taken any kind of glass tableware upstairs with him, which i couldn't blame him for, us teenagers had no respect for anything when we are drunk. My eyes scan over all the people here, recognizing many faces but i was particularly friends with any of the people i saw. Mike was outside with Justin playing beer pong, they were doing a terrible job actually, it was embarrassing. It was weird seeing Justin with Mike, if Mike had any idea that i had been hooking up with Justin he would of attempted to rip his head off by now. After my cup was empty i fill it back up with Vodka and Red bull before worming my way past everyone in the kitchen, and into the living room where the party was so much better. 

"Kellin?" I hear coming from behind me, so i turn around and smile happily as Lynn was stood in front of me. 

"Hey when did you get here? I didn't see you come in, but then again there's so many people here i guess i wouldn't of been able to see you come in" I say quickly, having to move a little closer to her so she could hear what i was saying. 

"Like ten minutes ago, I've been trying to find you but like you said there's so many people, and its kind of hard to locate you among them all" She laughs and takes my hand making me come and dance with her. Let me tell you, it was disgusting, so many hot and sweaty bodies rubbing against one another, it made me slightly nauseous actually. Thankfully, with the help of my five cups of vodka and red bull i was completely care free after a hour. 

I was a stumbling mess, gripping onto everyone and everything as i made my way to find Mike i haven't seen him since the party started hours ago. Finally i got outside and looked around trying to find Mike, but he literally wasn't anywhere, for a while i shrugged it of taking a seat outside and talking to a random girl about alcohol and how drunk we were. It was only when i looked up and saw Mikes bedroom light was on that something in my head clicked, he had obviously gone upstairs for whatever reason. Politely i excuse myself from the conversation, and grab a half full bottle of tequila before walking through the house and up the stairs. 

"Fuck which one.." I mumbles under my breath looking at the four doors, trying to remember which was Mike's bedroom, my body sways a little as i hold onto the top of the banister and just go for the door to the left, which was in fact Mike's room. 

"Hey babe I've been looking for.. oh, god, oh" I stutter over my words as i open the door and see Mike balls deep into  some random girl bent over his bed. He kind of stopped, and looked down at the girl and then up to me again, and i did the same, looking at the girl and then Mike. After ten seconds it got a little awkward.. well a lot awkward. 

"Kells.. listen.." He starts, finally pulling away from the girl and looks around for boxers.

I go into the bedroom and find my bag of overnight stuff, picking it up and putting it over my shoulder, i could barely stand or think straight so anything Mike was saying i wasn't even processing. "Oh don't stop on my account.. let me just get my stuff real quick and i'll be out of your way" I said calmly, picking up my phone charger from the desk and turning around to look at Mike.

"No Kellin, stay. Why aren't you mad right now?" Mike said finally finding clothes, he walks over to me a little but i could tell he was scared to even try and touch me. 

My mind was racing, i didn't physically know how to react to this. I was hurt? but i did the same thing last night with Justin? It would be so hypocritical of me to get mad at Mike for doing the same thing as me. My eyes wander from him back to the girl, looking at her for a second.

"You could of at least chosen someone prettier" I said, and walked past him, when he grabbed my wrist I yanked it away, and left the room, slamming the door after me. He didn't even come after me? I stood there for a while, waiting for him to come after me, and he didn't. When i heard moaning start again from the room, i rolled my eyes and muttered "Seriously?" to myself. This was so not Mike, he had done nothing but treat me so amazingly, and this completely came out of nowhere. However, thinking about it was really hurting my head and it was late, i needed to sleep but wasn't going back in there. So instead i walk next door, to Vic's room, knocking softly before i walk in, he was sat in bed drinking a bottle of beer and watching a movie on his laptop.

"Kellin? why the hell are you in my room?" He said overreacting as usual, making me roll my eyes again. I dropped my bag down on the floor, took off my shoes and walked over to his bed. I watched Vic stare at me, his face full of confusion not understanding why i was in his room or sitting on the edge of his bed. 

"Oh well, funny story actually, Mike has company in that other room, you know the one i'm supposed to be staying in? Mike happens to be balls deep into that company" I said with a laugh at the end, rubbing my face and sighing softly. "If you press your ear against the wall i'm sure you'll be able to hear her moaning, it sounds a little something like this.." he said as he gripped the pillow in front of him "Oh Mike! Please fuck me while your potential future boyfriend is downstairs" He moans out, before looking at Vic with a serious face. 

"Are.. Are you sure?That doesn't sound like Mike" Was all Vic said, he put his computer to one side and looked at me.

"Yes Vic, i am pretty sure your brother is impregnating some girl on his bed right now, and i don't really feel one hundred percent comfortable with sleeping on the  bed afterwards" I said, it accidentally coming out more sarcastic than usual and then he wanted it to. 

"Well what do you expect me to do.. we don't have a spare room" Vic said.

"Duh? That's why i'm in here. Thanks for you hospitality" I said with a smile, and was ignoring Vic shake his head rapidly. "Calm down with that head movement, you'll get whiplash. I'm just going to sleep on this side of the bed that you obviously don't even use,  its not like i'm asking for anything inappropriate.." I said with a smirk looking over to Vic, "That unless you want to do something ina.."

"Kellin! Shut up, just.. go to sleep" he said quickly with a annoyed sigh. I couldn't help but laugh, it was so easy to get to him. I take off my jeans, and take my muscle shirt off putting them on the ground, before i get into bed next to Vic. I lay on my back looking up at the ceiling, listening to the two moaning in the next room. 

"I believe you now" Vic whispers, turning the bed side light off. I didn't say anything, and was slowly sobering up, it clicked in my head that i was in bed with Vic, Mr Fuentes my fucking tutor and we were both only in boxers. How did i even get into these situations? That i would never know but i loved it. 

Twenty minutes later and i still couldn't sleep, i think Vic was though because he hadn't said anything, i could barely see him too, only a dark figure laid beside me. Cautiously i move closer to him, closing my eyes and trying to sleep, it was only when i felt Vic's hand move to mine that i opened my eyes again. My eyebrows furrowed a little, not quite understanding what was happening, Vic held my hand and moved it.. to his stomach. Still i was confused but my heart was racing, faster than ever before, he slowly pushed my hand down and my heart stopped.

He was Naked.

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