Chapter 4.

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A few days, and tutor sessions later and it was Saturday, which fortunately for me meant I no longer had to sit in that chair contemplating blowing my brains out as Vic talked about algebra for the hundredth time. I hadn't even had time to see my friends out of school, trust me I tried but Vic was a tell tale and would call my mom saying I wasn't here. I hated him. Okay, I didn't hate him but I disliked him.

Due to none of us having a free house or parents that were okay with a bunch of teenagers getting drunk in their house we had to go to the park. After sneaking out my window at around eleven, I ran over to the park that was a mid way for all of us.

"Oh my! Is that Kellin Quinn? I haven't seen you in years!" Lynn says dramatically and I flip her off before sitting down besides her on the bench putting my two bottles of spirits on the table.

"Shut up, I'm here now aren't I?" I say looking over to everyone, Lynn, Mike, Justin, Austin and Alan. Honestly not everyone was here. Mike smiles at me, before standing up and coming to sit at the other side of me.

"Hey" he says softly, making himself up a joint. I smile and look at him, despite having that stupid tutor I still got to see Mike everyday and spoke to him every night. I didn't like him, I just.. he was cute.

"Hey there, how long have you been here?" I asked him, the other guys were just talking among themselves, not wasting any time as they started drinking and smoking. It seemed like such a typical teenage thing to do, getting drunk and high at a park but we weren't old enough to legally get into any clubs. There was a few that i could get us all into, only because the bouncers were my 'special' friends.

"Got here like twenty minutes before you" he says, before lighting his joint and handing it to me. "Ladies first" he smirks.

I take the joint from him and take one long drag, handing him it back as I look up at the dark night sky which was soon covered by the exhale of smoke leaving my lips. It was cold, was my only thought right now, my legs were shaking a little under the table but I ignored it.

"That tequila should warm you up, Kell's" Justin says from over the table when he had obviously noticed me shaking like a dog. I smile and nod, twisting the cap off the bottle or tequila and drink it like I was drinking milk from a carton. When I put it down and look around everyone's eyes were on me.

"What! I've had a stressful week, leave me alone" I mumble the last part, holding my own hands between my thighs. What I wasn't expecting was for Mike to take off his own jacket and wrap it around me, placing his hand on top of mine too. I look up at him, raising an eyebrow and he just smiles.

"I'm too high to feel the cold" he says making me laugh, I didn't even bother to move the jacket at it was cosy, and I could feel myself warming up already. "Also, you look good with my jacket on" he says leaning over a little so just I could hear that.

I don't know why that made me blush, but it did. "Thanks Mike" I whisper, taking his hand into my own before looking up at everyone else.

For hours we sat on this worn out bench talking and laughing about absolutely nothing, there wasn't one person that wasn't drunk or high and it was great. It was moments like this, where I knew I had the best group of friends even if we didn't talk every single day, I knew I had them and was lucky.

"I better get going" I say out loud moving my hand away from Mikes as I stand up, beginning to take his jacket off to give it back to him but he stopped me. Mike stands up, and holds my arms making sure I couldn't pull the jacket down anymore.

"I'll walk you home" he said looking at me as if he was asking for permission, I nod slowly, thanking him for offering. It really wasn't a big deal to me, walking back in the dark. Most times I came out for walks st night by myself but it would be nice to have the company. "Also, you can keep that jacket. It suits you better then it ever did me" he says throwing his joint on the floor as he smiles at me.

We wave to everyone else, and make our way to my house. The walk home was quiet, neither of us spoke to one another but it wasn't awkward, we were both just happy walking along side each other. Mikes hand brushes against my own causing me to look down at them before taking it, his fingers tightly hold onto my hand keeping it warm as we walk. It wasn't until we got to my door that we spoke.

"Thank you for walking me home" I say, stopping on the road before going down my drive. As I would have to go round the back to climb back into my bedroom. "And for the jacket" I laugh.

"You're welcome Kellin" he said, looking at me with a slight smile. I looked back at him for a few seconds before laughing at the awkwardness, I let go of his hand finally and lean forward pressing a kiss on his lips. Nothing more than a peck. I had basically pecked all my friends it wasn't a big deal, more of a thank you.

As I turned to walk down the drive leaving Mike just stood there staring at me as I walked away I felt his hand latch onto my wrist turning me around swiftly. Before I knew it my lips were against Mike's and this was not a friendly, no big deal kiss. This kiss was a big deal. Everything in my body was telling me to kiss him back, I don't know if it was the alcohol or what but it felt nice to have his soft lips against my own. One of Mike's hands were cupping my cheek while the other was on my lower back pulling me closer to his chest. Eventually my arms wrap around his neck and I even stood on my tip toes to kiss him back.

When I did pull away, a few minutes later my lips were swollen and so was his. Lightly I bite my bottom lip still able to feel Mike's on my own. "Goodnight.." I mumble and run back to my house, climbing up the rope and ladder to my window.

That night I laid in bed re-living that moment over and over again, no one had kissed me like that before. It caught me off guard and took my breath away, that was exactly the type of thing I was searching for. Just as I closed my eyes to sleep, my phone buzzed, it was a text from Mike.

Goodnight Kellin xo

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