Chapter 18

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The next day, Jasper returned. We tried to figure out what Crone was going to plan with Jasper a couple nights before. "I guess I'll ask him once I get back." Jasper sighed. He was off duty, so he wore some jeans and a red and black stripes tank top. His muscles weren't super obvious like Crone's, but he was still toned from what I could tell. I had to admit, he was a little on the gorgeous side.

Just then, Dan and his family came outside. "Hey, Jasper, wanna join us? We're going to the swimming pool." Jasper and Dan had hit off almost immediately. They were practically best friends, but Jasper had already told me that Crone was his best friend. Jasper smiled. "Yeah, sure, I was already going to go there later to cool off." We all knew that Dan's mate thought Jasper was a little weird for hanging out with dogs all the time, but she always treated him kindly. She even nodded in encouragement.

Jasper stood, and so did Maka and I. I had a bit of trouble though, since my belly was even bigger. Jasper and Dan's family started walking down the street to the public pool. Maka and I stayed behind. When we passed people, they scratched behind our ears as they walked by. Maka and I had become famous through this part of the town, and it helped with Dan's business. I hoped it paid for eating his meat for so long.

Dogs weren't allowed in the pool, so we laid down outside under a shady tree. I rolled onto my side, since it was the least uncomfortable position. Any way I laid, my stomach would feel like it was going to pop. The blankets helped, but just this hard ground was making my spine curve. I had to ignore it if I was going to nap some more. Inside, I heard Kelli squealing and splashing around with her dad and Jasper. Patilda was sitting and gossiping with her friends. Girls. I chuckled.

Slowly, I did slip into a place between sleeping and awareness. A few times I took in a deep breath to smell the flowers and leaves nearby. At one point, Maka stood to go relieve himself in a bush. It was then that I smelt my wolf's favorite scent on the breeze. My head snapped up and looked around fearfully. No, not now. I cried in my head. With a few heaves, I got on my paws and ran to a door that led to the indoor pool.

Crone is here. I warned them, watching the front door. I smelt him get closer and I shrunk down, trying to be out of his view. Crone walked in, trying to contain his anger. I immediately tapped into Jasper's head. What do you think you are doing with these rouges? Crone seethed. Jasper told Dan and his family that he had to go to work and got out of the pool. He slipped his shirt back on and followed behind Crone.

Quickly, I ran around the building to watch them walk on the sidewalk. "How did you know?" Jasper answered with his own question. "I got in your head and could smell a wolf." Crone snapped. Jasper hung his head as they walked. When they were about to go past a house, I loped after them and stayed in the bushes. I was only close enough to hear them. "Why, Jasper? We are under a threat, and you're off playing in water!" Crone continued to scold.

Jasper didn't answer. They kept walking towards Crow Pack territory. Outside Dan's butcher shop, Crone stopped walking. "I will give the rogues a week to move before I come and kill them. All of them." he said coldly. I couldn't help but snarl. I stood and approached them slowly. You will do no such thing. I growled at Crone. His head snapped in my direction, surprised. He snarled back after he registered my words.

"You can't do anything about it." he laughed cruelly. I opened my jaws and gave a fury driven, guttural growl. I can, and I will. I will give you six days to take the order off their heads before I rip yours off. I said just as coldly. You can't do anything about it if you don't want to have the death of pups under your name. I turned so he could see my belly. His eyes darkened, and he began to shake. He bared his teeth at me.

"I will kill Maka as well for impregnating someone who is not his." he said in a fit of rage. Get out of here, Crone. I ordered. Remember, six days. Huffing, Crone stormed off to the trees, and I figured he'd shifted because of the large noise he had made. Jasper looked at me sadly and ran after his alpha. Relaxing, I felt completely drained. Maka was trying to talk to me, but I shut him out.

I needed to rest. Stress wasn't good for the pups. Although, I was glad that Crone had assumed that it was Maka's pups I was carrying. Slowly, I shambled over to the table and laid down beneath it. I would think of ways to get Crone back for putting Dan's family in death row later. I just needed to sleep. I couldn't, though, because every time I got close to unconsciousness, I saw Crone's black wolf ripping Kelli apart.

Paws running towards me made my lift my head up. Maka stopped beside me and looked at me. When I didn't open my mind, he whined and pawed at my head. Sighing, I opened it. What happened? he asked immediately. I explained to him of Crone's death threat, and then my own. His eyes widened and he took a few steps back. He shook his head vigorously and began to pace in front of the table.

What is his problem? he exclaimed. This is wrong. Majorly wrong. Dan will have to tell his mate about his secret if we don't succeed. I looked at him like crazy. Maka, you will get killed if you go there. He won't kill me if I tell him they're his. I argued. Maka shook his head again. I dunno, Tilly... he sighed. I'm not changing my mind, Maka. You've done enough for me. Just help out with Dan, or go find somewhere to hide. I said defiantly.

Maka looked at me, torn. For me. I pressed. He closed his eyes and breathed out a long sigh. Alright, fine. We'll still need to plan, though. he said, caving in. I nodded, and he went to lay beside me. I used his paws as a pillow and shut my eyes. I'll talk to Dan. Maka said disapprovingly. I grunted softly in acknowledgement. He went still and quiet, so I knew that he was breaking the news to the other rogue.

About ten minutes later, the family came walking back. They were oddly quiet. Dan told his mate to put their daughter to bed, since she was in her mother's arms, asleep. Patilda went in casually, no suspicions raised. Dan shut the door behind her and rested his forehead on the glass. Sighing, he looked down at us. "Thank you for defending my family, Tilly." he said quietly. I could only wag my tail a little.

He sat on the edge of the table and was quiet for a few minutes. I could feel him thinking, but I left his thoughts alone. If he wanted to tell us something, he would on his own time. Eventually, he cleared his throat to speak. We couldn't see him, but we could feel that he was very hesitant. We didn't push him and sat in silence, glancing at each other every once in a while. Finally, he spoke up.

"Have you ever heard of alpha lineages switching?" Dan asked slowly. Yes. Maka replied simply. "That happens when the alpha family is overthrown by another wolf. The alpha is challenged for his title. The challenger takes his place if he is killed or submits. It's up to the new alpha to decide what happens to the old one. Most are killed no matter what in the end." he explained. I was taken aback for a moment, then nodded. That is what I must do. I will take over Crow Pack. I informed them.

Maka turned to look at me questioningly. "You will have to persuade him to submit. You wouldn't be able to kill him, even if you were strong enough to physically. You simply cannot kill your mate, no matter how much you hate them." Dan said in warning. I wondered how Dan knew about Crone and me, but I figured Jasper had told him. I understand. I'll get Jasper to train me some before I go back into Crow Pack territory. I said in determination. I had to win.

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