The Rookie and the Jaded Fool

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For now, I wanna say hi, and welcome. Spoilers for the Death Note anime and manga. You will need to know the commonly used x reader abbreviations for Your Name [Y/N], Last Name [L/N], Hair Length [H/L], and Hair Color [H/C] in this chapter.

Please see the next 'chapter' for a more thorough note that includes a full abbreviation key.


Start Chapter


Balancing the small cardboard box upon her lap the young woman sat upon the rattling train. The ride was smooth, but that didn't stop the jostling of the contents of her box. A framed degree in criminology, pencil holder (already holding an unopened set of pens), a small steno pad, a framed 5x7 of her family, a box of paperclips, a stapler, staples and some empty file folders. Also her tablet computer and a few anime figurines, just to personalize her space.

She really hoped no one would mind the figurines...what if personalizing like that was frowned upon? She could almost see the ridiculing looks and disappointed frowns of her superiors. Well...those would stay in the box until she was sure...then she could hide them in her purse if need be.

Yes, [Y/N] was certainly nervous about her first day on her new job. It was her dream to work at the NPA, ever since she was a teen and Kira surfaced. When she had seen that true evil of judgemental entitlement, she had known it needed stopped.

Then the mysterious L began exchanging videos with Kira. Someone was standing up to him! She was filled with a thrill of excitement, it was like something out of a manga. A sadistic killer with no conscience, and no traceable means of committing his crimes versus the will of justice.

Like so many others, she didn't know how they eventually solved the case. She did resolve to be a part of that world starting at that moment, though. Now [Y/N]'s dream was going to come true!

So lost in in thoughts was she, that the young woman hadn't realized the train had pulled up to a station. Her stop, of course. When the scene beyond the window registered, she jumped to her feet, nearly spilling the box, "Ah!"

[Y/N] dashed off the train just before the doors closed and it sped off again, "Damn ..that was too close! Gotta stop spacing out...I'm a cop now."

She huffed in resolve and set off down the sidewalk toward the NPA's office.


In the office of the newest chief of the NPA, that would be Aizawa, a small group was gathered. He had called together his most trusted to tell them something important, knowing they above others could be trusted with the task.

His face was a mask of seriousness as he scanned over his friends. There was Ide, seated across from him with a nearly unreadable expression and that odd lack of eyebrows. Mogi stood by the window, broad and imposing, a slight curiosity to his features. Then there was Matsuda.

Silly, stupid Matsuda...lurking in the shadow of a filing cabinet, his gaze cast downward. None of the happy idiocy that used to spill from the man seeped into the office now. Oh, Aizawa knew it was still in there. Every once and a while he would glimpse it; the younger officer cracking a smile and laughing at something ridiculous, or fumbling through a lame attempt at flattering a lady. But the old spirit he'd held was mostly lacking..

"Listen up," the chief sighed, already tired from his worries as Matsuda turned a dark rimmed gaze toward him, "You three are my main team, you know that. After everything we've been through, well, we have to trust each other."

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