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Hey Guys~ sorry its been so long my chingus, and that I've left all of you hanging like that.

Hope you are all in good health and are still breathing because of our boys

This chapter may not be great but I've tried my best~

Anyways, back to the story! Enjoy~ and don't be scared to leave your opinion in the comments x

'T-thanks, I was lost back ther---' I don't finish my sentence when a pair lips were pressed onto mine and I was being pulled towards them, having to put my hand on the wall to keep my balance.

I push myself away and try to focus my vision from the weird colours.
'Your girlfriend won't like that'

My vision focuses enough to see that it wasn't leah who just kissed me, but Mika herself.

'What are you doing?!' I spit at her.
'It felt like the right moment' she laughs.
'What is wrong with you?' I feel my fists clench and I walk away from her.

I make my way back to the booth and try to find leah.
'Yoongi, where's the girls?'
'They went to the bathroom together' he says sipping his drink.

I sit down and patiently wait for them to come out but they're taking forever. I text her but no reply. I get Jimin to text Emily as my worry grows bigger.

'What? speak up' I shout through the blaring music.
'They went home'

As soon as the words leave his mouth my stomach drops and my heart stops.
'Leah wasn't feeling well, she said' jimin said.

I stand up immediately and feel the world under my feet shake, only for Hoseok to grab onto my arm.

'Woah you've drank too much. Let's go home' he says and walks me to the door. But all I could think of was Leah, and why Mika kissed me.


Emily's POV

'Are you sure it was him? Maybe it was a guy that looked similar' I said concerned.
'No I swear it was, I couldn't have mistaken him' She sniffles.

'Well we'll talk about it in the morning okay? Let's just get some rest for now' I said hugging her.

'I trust and know it wasn't him but--'
'It's okay Leah, you are allowed to feel annoyed. But come on, go sleep'

She lays down and it doesn't take long for her to drift to sleep. I sit beside her, and push the strands of hair behind her ear.

I hear the front door open and I rush to our bedroom door.

'W-where's leah?' I hear Jungkook stumble.
'No Jungkook you're not in the right state let's go' I hear Jin

They walk up to me and Jungkook looks past me into the room. His face looks so sad. Did he do it, or does he just think she's ill?

'C'mon Kook let her rest, you need it too' I say He sighs then walks into is own room with the help of Jimin.


I wake up the next morning and Leah isn't there. I panic and get up to find her.

I chap on the toilet door as I hear the shower on.
'Nothing, doesn't matter'

I know nothing bad will happen between the two but just incase.

I head to the kitchen and make some tea, when I hear her leave the bathroom and sit in the living room.

I hand her the cup and sit beside her.
'What time is it?'
'Its 7:30, so none of them will be up yet' I laugh, 'how are you feeling?'

'Tired' she laughs then sits her head in her hands.
'Leah don't worry, you know it wouldn't have been him on purpose'

'I know, it's the thought of them that's killing me'
I sip on my tea then see sleepy Jungkook walk in. I can already feel the awkward air.

'I'll leave you both' I say and pat Leah's thigh before walking out.

Jungkooks POV

'I'm so so sorry leah' I say and kneel down in front of her, taking her hand in mine.
'She spiked my drink and I couldn't control myself, so she pulled me down and kissed me'

She looks back at me, I can see the tiredness in her eye. She must not have slept well. I caress her hand making a circle pattern with my thumb.

She doesn't say anything but hugs me. 'I knew it wouldn't have been you. I know what she's like. I'm just glad you told me and didn't hide it away from me'

As those words leave her mouth I feel a wave of relief wash over me.
'You don't know how glad i am to hear you say that' and I hear her giggle into my neck.

'Well you can make up for it  by taking me out for breakfast' she says and pulls us both up.
'Where to?' I ask and snake my hand around her waist.

'Wherever, as long as you pay' she laughs and kisses me on the nose.


Jimins POV

'Where did you go to this morning?' I asked Jungkook as he just arrived in the studio.

'I went out for breakfast' he said placing his bags down beside the cupboards.

'Without your hyung? Thats terrible' I fake being hurt

He laughs and shakes his head. 'Next time'

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