What to even call this

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Leahs POV:

I Hear him come out from the Shower, and make his way to his bedroom. I wait a few moments then decided to go to him, taking his shirt with me.

I knock the door, incase he's mid change before walking in.

'Whats up?' he asks, laying down in a big sweatshirt and sweat pants, his wet hair dripping down.

'One question' I throw the shirt into his lap. 'Whats that?'

'My shirt' he says funnily, but I hold in a laugh.

'No, look at the collar' I say, with no tone at all. He looks up at me weirdly before taking the shirt and unraveling it.

'The collar, that mark' I repeat. He looks and runs his thumb over it.

'What is it?' he asks, still looking at it.

'Jungkook its lipstick, and it ain't mine. Who is its?' \

'I don't know really, I only saw when you pointed it out' he looks up at me. I sigh, I knew I wasn't gonna get a straight answer, there is always something.

'Wait you...you think I went behind your back?' he says annoyed, sitting up. I don't answer, I do have doubts but I don't want to have them either.

'Leah you're meant to trust me, that's a big part of being in a relationship. I Would never--'

'Jungkook what am I supposed to do or think? Another girl's makeup is on your collar! And what happened the other day certainly doesn't help your side' I Burt out.

He just looks more annoyed. 'I told you, she pulled me Leah. I have no feelings for her'

I sigh. 'Fine, whatever. I believe you'. I gave in, I wasn't getting anywhere.

'Leah...' he says softly as he pulls my chin up, his expression softening. 'I have no idea how it got there, but I would never have feelings for another person' he states before kissing me.

It lasts a few moments before we finally break away. 'Are you okay?'

'Im fine, now. You?' I ask, feeling a little better.

'Good' he smiles. 'Never mind the shirt or now, lets just sleep' he says, pulling me gently to the bed.

He lays down and pulls me into his embrace. He falls asleep right away, but I on the other hand are left with my thoughts for awhile, staring at the shirt crumpled on the floor.


While I'm doing the boys makeup for another photo shoot, I blur the shirt incident out of my mind.

I carry on normally, that is until Mika makes her way into the room.
As per usual she's flirting with them all.
You can tell it's just making them all feel weird and awkward but I gotta give it to her, she does not back down.

I notice something else though. Her lipstick colour. The mark on Jungkooks collar. No....but then again, could just be Mika up to no good. As I said, she doesn't back down.

While all the boys head out as I've finished my job, she goes to follow them and I pull her back and shut the door behind me.

'Hey!' She shouts looking up at me, then smirks.
'What's wrong Leah? You seem on edge' she says cockily.

'Nothing, just stop with the games Mika!' I'm tired of all this, I just wanna go on normally, without her tryna sabotage everything.

'Games? What do you mean?' She plays dumb.
'Oh cmon, I don't know how or when you did it,  but the lipstick mark? Nicely done'

'Oh so you two fought? What happened?' She laughs and I sigh heavily. 'I told Jungkook we shouldn't, but he said he Loved me, and he—'

'That's enough!' I shout, opening the door. 'Get out'
'Oo did I hit a nerve? You can't handle the idea of us two can you?' She says
'Mika...get out...' I look away from her.

She steps closer to me so only I can hear.
'He'll never love you, he loves me and only me'
'You're worthless to him. He could have any girl in the world, you're just his toy for now' she says coldly.

'Get Out!' I say before she laughs a little before walking out. I shut the door and look out of the window.

Her words go through my head, and I feel a tear rub down my face. I rub it away and try look normal again, as I'll have to go down soon to watch the photo shoot.

I don't know what to think. Mika is seriously messing with me and I don't know how, but I know Kook. He'd never-

'Leah? Are you in here?' I hear V knock on the door. I immediately try wipe away my tears and turn around just as he comes in.

'Uh hey Tae. What's up?' I sniffle a little.
'It's just here look, I smudged the- - are you crying?' He asks looking up at me.

He gives me his big concerned eyes. 'Leah?' He steps closer and holds my arm.

'I-I'm fine, just a bad headache' I laugh a little. 'It's making my eyes water' I can tell he can see right through my lies but he goes with it anyways.

'Oh and yeah sit down and I'll fix it' I say changing the subject completely, as he takes a seat.

Throughout the whole time I do his makeup again he looks at me, tryna see if he can tell what's up.


While we get down to the studios, Taehyung suddenly squeezes my arm as we stop.
'Are you sure?' He says concerned. 'If something has happened-'

'Taehyung I'm fine, honestly. Go focus on the shoot' I smile, turning home around and pushing him towards the other playfully, which I earn a small laugh from him.

Afterwards I blank all my thoughts out and just sit behind the cameras...

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