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Jungkooks PoV:

As I'm laughing with my hyungs, I notice Taehyung walk down with Leah, suddenly hold her arm and stop her. I'm about to stand up and walk over but she smiled and pushes him away.

'Hyung, is something wrong with Leah?' I ask, pulling Tae to the side.
'No not at all' he says blank faced. 'Just said she had a headache ..' he says and his eyes wander behind me.

I turn my head and follow my gaze to see what he's looking at. Leah, working away. I look back at him.
'Is there something you aren't telling me?' I ask

'We don't keep secrets from each other, of course not' he smiles and walks past me to the others. I push the thoughts to the back of my mind.

(AN: I'm so sorry if you all want other member parts, but it will mainly be Leah's for a short while, )

Leah's POV:
The whole time I work I don't make eye contact with any of the boys. I just sit and talk with the other artists and stuff. I can feel a pair of eyes burn through me, but I don't dare turn around. I don't know why I'm like this but—

'Leah sorry, could you help me with this camera?' One of the staff ask me.
'Me? Sorry I'm not—'

'I know don't worry' he smiles 'just come here.'
I get up and try help him out, something to do with the technical side of things, where is Emily when you need her.

He then asks if the screen has focused. I take a look down and check it, seeing the boys in front playing about. Then I see the eyes through the camera

Jungkooks staring at me as I help this guys camera, on screen. My stomach drops and my thoughts are interrupted.

'Ma'am? Are you okay?' The man asks me, I must have zoned out.
'Oh I'm so sorry, your camera is just really good' I laugh slightly. Thankfully the staff member brushes it off with a thanks and I can go back to my seat.

I no longer feel his eyes. I look up and They eyes have wandered, to Mika.

It's all in my head surely. But why do I keep arguing with myself? To prove a point for him..


As soon as the shoot finishes I rush out to the door excusing myself. I quickly walk up to the room I work in and don't even bother to shut the door.

I quickly pile all of my stuff into my bag and go to pick it up, when a hand lands on my shoulder.

I scream heart racing enough as it is.
'Woah Leah!' It's Jungkook, only if—
I just ignore him and catch my breath.
'What's wrong? Why are you so jumpy?' He asks concerned.

'Nothing, you just caught me by surprise' I laugh a little before carrying on to pick up my bag.

'Let me help you' he smiles and goes to take it off of me.
'No' I say and instantly regret it. 'Oh sorry I never meant it rudely' I laugh to myself, while he just looks at me weirdly.

'I just, wanna get home right away okay?' I sigh and walk past him. 'I'll see you at home, sorry'
'Yeah' is all I get from him.


Instead of going home I call Emily and sneak into a Coffee shop.
'So how was today? Usual I guess?' She asks
'Yeah, usual' I laugh to myself. If there is one person in the world I feel relaxed with it's Emily, she's always been there for me.

'What about you? What happened today?' I asked, wanting to take my mind off of things.

'Oh well I went shopping and stuff. I picked up some groceries for the dorm too. Especially stuff for the party on Friday' She said excitedly.

'Party?' I asked confused.
'Ahah yeah slow coach. Didn't you hear? Party on Friday in the dorm. A few of BTSs friends are invited, maybe even a few staff members, not like the manager or anything though' she laughs.

'Oh yeah, I'm excited'
'Really? You don't sound it. What's up baby L?' She mocks.
'Ahah nice. And nothing just tired I think' I yawn.

'Well you better be energised on Friday. We are gonna be the life of the party!' I laugh at her.
'Of course, no worries' I reply finishing my tea.


'I'm going to the store I forgot something' Emily giggles outside of the dorm.
'What? I thought you were organised, tut tut' I tease

'I always am! I'm allowed to mess up one time' she laughs. 'I'll be back soon.' She blows me a kiss as I laugh at her while walking into the dorm, As she walks further down the street.

'Hello? Anyone home' I laugh and walk in. I check the lounge, no one. Same with the kitchen.

I then go towards Jungkooks room and my heart races. I open it slowly and see his figure on the bed, sitting down, back facing me at the edge looking down at a bright light.

'Why didn't you answer me?' I ask quite annoyed.
He pauses and only briefly looks up, 'sorry I zoned out, I never heard you' he said.

I take a deep breath and then calm myself down.
'Oh about earlier' I start off and look to the floor, he's still on his phone.

'I'm sorry for being-' my words get stuck in my throat. On the floor. That's not mine, it's not.

'Leah?' He looks up at me and I just look at him. 'Finish your sentence' he chuckles a little.

'I-i was just tired earlier okay, that's all' I say so quickly, while seeing it on the floor with just the bottom of my eye.

'Leah..' He stands up and walks towards me. I notice how he's only wearing his boxers and a baggy white tshirt. My stomach drops.

I stay frozen as he just wraps his arms around me.
'Don't worry about it. I know how tiring it can be' he says, and I doubt my thoughts.

'I'm gonna go shower but ill be quick okay?' He says kissing my forehead before disappearing down the hall.

I stay there frozen for a few minutes before I look down again. I pick up the bra that was laying on the floor this whole time, slightly stuffed under the bed.

My eyes begin to water. I begin to try and make an excuse as to why this was even in here, trying to persuade myself of the reason - but I can't.

The kiss, his collar, a bra? No he couldn't have. Please no. These thoughts are suffocating me entirely, that I feel everything spin a little.

I steady myself and take a deep breath. What now? Do I confront him? Or will I just end up with the same story again....

I run into my room and stash it somewhere. For now my heart will have to cope with it, just enough until I find more proof.

I feel like I'm Betraying Jungkook so much and I hate it, but if he is maybe betraying me, I have to know. Even if he is and always had been my dream idol, he doesn't get to do this to me.

A BTS Love Story 2Where stories live. Discover now