rant eighteen ♚ miami

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stop okay.

I don't even want to start this chapter tbh I'm probably going to cry like every 5 seconds.

Fracking diarrhea.

I suggest if you don't enjoy crude language or w/e don't even BOTHER reading this rant bc no.

Okay this rant is about Henry who I've mentioned a lot before. I'll say it AGAIN that I put him in a lot of my stories under alternate names and Henry is NOT HIS REAL NAME OKAY FEEL FREE TO CALL HIM WHATEVER BAD WORD YOU'D LIKE. Or not. 

So clearly I love Henry (no surprise there).

Henry and I met online in 2011 and we online dated. So no we didn't know eachother in real life but we skyped and stuff.

Last week I went to miami beach to see him IN REAL LIFE on thursday.

fuck you btw.

Um so yeah I thought everything was going great, he was so attractive I almost died of a heart attack and he smelled so good. I HATE IT (not really) WHEN GUYS SMELL REALLY GOOD LIKE YOU COULD JUST EAT THEM AND BE A CANNIBAL BC WHO WOULDNT WANT TO BE ONE WHEN SOMEONE SMELLS THAT GOOD RIGHT?!?!?! It was obviously awkward and I've met one other person from the internet irl so I'd know and it was awkward then too. But apparently the awkwardness was a bad thing.

The next day we were supposed to meet up again but he blew me and my mom off to do stuff with his family for Good Friday. (I'm not at all a religious person just so you know, I was baptised a catholic but I follow no religion, I believe in Harry Potter and myself.) So me and my mom went to the beach. He ended up texting me that he didn't like me in real life and that he no longer wanted to be my friend or talk to me again. So of course I fucking cried like a fucking new born child who is hungry and wants breast milk but there is none coming out. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BEACH IS ME CRYING MY FACE OFF. I got a fucking goddamn sunburn okay like this is serious shit. IT STILL HURTS?!?!?! Um why was I crying over a boy? BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE/D HIM AND HE MEANT/s EVERYTHING TO ME NO MATTER WHAT HE WAS LIKE IRL OR NOT. OKAY I GET THAT HE IS A JERK AND STUFF BUT WHEN YOU'RE CLOSE WITH SOMEONE ON A RELATIONSHIP LEVEL FOR A LONG TIME ITS TOUGH AND IT HURTS. IT WAS LIKE HE WAS BREAKING UP WITH ME AGAIN. It was so frustrating on so many levels. It honestly ruined my vacation and my views of Florida. 

Though I would like to note that it is very nice and warm there and I HATE THE FRICKING COLD LIKE GET THE FUCK OUT SNOW OKAY. I'm from new england (i dont live there atm but i was born there) so HELL YEAH I HAVE THAT BOSTON ACCENT THING GOING ON WHERE U "PAHK THE CAHHHH IN THA GAHRAHGE AT THA HAHVAHD YAHD YO" I like saying "the gah-raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhge" a lot EXACTLY LIKE THAT OKAY  LIKE FUCK YES IT ANNOYS THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE WHEN YOU EXTEND YOUR WORDS IN AN ANNOYING VOICE. I really like boston but you know THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT MIAMI WTF.

So yeah back to Henry. It broke my fucking already broken heart like a billion times over. I brought with me a journal (those black and white ones you write in at school) and i decorated it with duck tape bc duck tape is useful for everything okay shut up. And I drew him all his favorite things and NO I'm not a stick people artist I legit draw nice things okay no joke, it took me HOURS to draw; galactus, spiderman (was a pain in the damn ass), batman, thing, finn from adventure time, ny giants football helmet, miami heat sign, a hammer head shark and a great white shark, luke skywalker and obi-wan-kenobi, wtf else ummmmmmm?? oh this guy from watchmen, and steel which was a pain in the bum also bc it had a LOT of tiny detail work, if anyone wants one of those as an icon i will gladly scan it for you and trace it with photoshop and write your name on it and give it to you as an icon but you have to comment here for one and if you stop using it you gotta let me know and credit me obviously.

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