why hello there

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Potato: *is sitting at a table with tea in front of her* why hello there. I'm Blank, but I shall, be called Potato here. cuz that is what all the Sans' here think I am. I am going to set some ground rules, which you cannot break. Number one, no lemons, because I have a small bit of innocence left and I wamma keep it that way until I am nine years older. Number two, No Lust Sans. Kinda for the reason of no Lemons. I wanna keep my Innocence for nine years. Number three, you can only have Sci, Fell, and Geno drunk. Why? Because they are absolutely funny when they are drunk and I have no other Ideas. Number Four, you cannot ask anything personal about me because I am available to have some ask or dares.

*Geno enters the room*

Potato: Geno say what is allowed please.

Geno: Sure Potato, You can make Sans' make out, which I don't want, React to things, get the smol ship children, and do whatever wasn't banned from this.

Potato: AND NOW ALL THERE CRUSHES! *Grabs tea and walks into a sound proof room* Geno likes Reaper, Reaper likes Geno, Outer likes Sci, Fell likes Sci, Blue likes Fell, Raspberry likes Blue, Cross likes Dream, Error likes Ink, Nighmare likes Cross, Killer likes Nightmare, Dust likes Classic, and Trainertale likes Trainertale Toriel (Just fo ya Soriel people)

*Potato walks out*

Potato: BAI GUYS

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