Oooooo Drama

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Potato: *Evolves into Raccoon*

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Potato: *Evolves into Raccoon*

Raccoon: okay that is better. Anyways. Guess what Felllllll.

Fell: what Trash Panda?

Raccoon: I like that name, anyways *tells Fell the plan*

Fell: I hate this.

Raccoon: Shore you do. Now gooo


*Fell has just a Camera (in the corner set up by Raccoon recording live to the TV downstairs), Sci, and Outer and a room. *

Fell: *kisses Sci and runs*


Sci: Dafuq


*everyone was laughing. No one was safe from not even laughing. Not even Geno and Classic because Fell was getting his A$$ wooped. So they have justice*

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